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Quarterly Geological Notes No.1 - January 1962.
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Contains articles on: Buried seaweed deposits - Point Pelican - J. A. Gibson Sandstone Dykes - Manunda One Mile Geological Sheet - R. C . Mirams Plankton swarms and blooms in South Australian coastal waters. - N. H. Ludbrook Permian deposits. Possible occurrence near Blinman. - Ron P . Coats
Quarterly Geological Notes No.2 - April 1962
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Contains articles on: New exposures of Tertiary sand in the Willunga Basin. - J. G. Oliver Profile of weathering at Warramboo. - G. R. Heath Subsurface stratigraphy in the western suburbs of Adelaide. - T. M. Steel Absolute age determinations in South Australia. - A. R. Crawford
Quarterly Geological Notes No.3 - July 1962
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Contains articles on: Lead distribution in basal Cambrian sediments, South Australia - B. P. Thomson Lake Eyre investigation - R. K. Johns Copper ore in sink hole and solution cavities at Burra - W Johnson Basal Cambrian Scolithus sandstone in the Flinders Ranges - R. Dalgarno
Quarterly Geological Notes No.4 - October 1962
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Contains articles on: Cambrian sequence of the western Flinders Ranges - R. Dalgarno & J. E. Johnson Recent groundwater investigation in the Port Lincoln district - R. G. Shepard Control of sedimentation by faulting in the Adelaide System - R. P. Coats
Quarterly Geological Notes No.5 - January 1963
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Contains articles on: Quaternary sedimentary breccias and emerged offshore bars near Point Lowly - A. R. Crawford Quaternary geological events near Swan Reach in the Murray Basin, South Australia - J. B. Firman Rheid morphology in sedimentary structures - E. S. Driscoll Some observations on the Precambrian fossil horizon at the Ediacara Mineral Field - L. G. Nixon
Quarterly Geological Notes No.6 - April 1963
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Contains articles on: Regional structures, southern Fleurieu Peninsula. - B. P. Thomson Induced polarization - J. Benlow Modified seif dunes west of Lake Eyre - G. R. Heath & H. Wopfner Stratigraphic correlations in the Lake Torrens region - R. K. Johns
Quarterly Geological Notes No.7 - July 1963.
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Contains articles on: Quaternary geological events near Port Adelaide - J. B. Firman Large scale slump structures, southeast of Oodnadatta - G. R. Heath Lower Cambrian of the eastern flank of the Flinders Ranges - C. R. Dalgarno & J. E. Johnson Basal sediments of the north side of the Officer Basin - J. E. Johnson
Quarterly Geological Notes No.8 - October 1963
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Contains articles on: THOMSON B. P.— Nickel Mineralisation and the Giles Complex in the Tomkinson Ranges South Australia FORBES B. G. — Gypsum in the Marree Region FIRMAN J. B. and CHUGG R. I. Marine Erosion and Stranded Beach Deposits near Port Wakefield
Quarterly Geological Notes No.9 - January 1964
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Contains articles on: • THOMSON B. P. and COATS R. P.— Pre-Burra Group Sequences in the Adelaide Geosyncline— The Callana Beds • MIRAMS R. C. and FORBES B. G. — Burra Group • COATS R. P.— Umberatana Group • DALGARNO C..R. and JOHNSON J. E.— Wilpena Group
Quarterly Geological Notes No.10 - April 1964
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Contains articles on: • FREYTAG I. B. — Reptilian Vertebral Remnants from Lower Cretaceous Strata near Oodnadatta • FIRMAN J. — The Bakara Soil and other stratigraphic Units of Late Cainozoic Age in the Murray Basin, South Australia • AYRES D. E. and OLLIVER J. G. — Pyrite Spheres in Recent Sediments, Gulf St. Vincent • FORBES B. G. — The River Wakefield Group west of Clare
Quarterly Geological Notes No.11 - July 1964
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Contains articles on: COATS R. P . - Large Scale Precambrian \ Slump Structures, Flinders Ranges DALGARNO R. and JOHNSON J. E. — Glacials of the Marinoan Series, Central Flinders Ranges. MIRAMS R. C.— A Sturtian Glacial Pavement at Merinjina Well, near Wooltana. FORBES B. G. — The River Wakefield Group west of Clare
Quarterly Geological Notes No.12 - October 1964.
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Contains articles on: • WOPFNER, H .-Tertiary Duricrust Profile on Upper Proterozoic Sediments,Granite Downs Area • MOORCROFT, E.— Geophysical Investigation, Mt. Toondina Area • HARRIS, W. K.— Mesozoic Sediments of the Polda Basin, Eyre Peninsula
Quarterly Geological Notes No.13 - January 1965
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Contains articles on: • HARRIS W. K. and OLLIVER J. G - The Age of the Tertiary Sands at Rowland Flat, Barossa Valley • DALGARNO C. R. and JOHNSON J. E. The Holowilena Ironstone, a Sturtian Glacigene Unit • THOMSON B. P. — Erosional Features of the Tent Hill Formation • HIERN M. N. — Opal Deposits at Coober Pedy
Quarterly Geological Notes No.14 - April 1965
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Contains articles on: • ALLCHURCH P. D. — Gilgai Type Structures in “ Mottled Clays” beneath the city of Adelaide • HEATH G. R. — Permian Sediments of the Mt. Dutton Inlier • JOHNSON J. E .— Geological Factors in Tektite Distribution, north western South Australia • LUDBROOK N. H. — Occurrence of Foraminifera in Salt Lakes
Quarterly Geological Notes No.15 - July 1965
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Contains articles on: • WHITTEN G. E. — The Use of Aeromagnetic Maps in Geological Regional Mapping • LUDBROOK N. H. — Palaeontological Collection — Geological Survey of South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.16 - October 1965
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Contains articles on: • FIRMAN J. B.—Late Cainozoic Lacustrine Deposits in the Murray Basin, South Australia • HIERN M. N.—Opal Deposits in Australia • THOMSON B. P.—Weathering and related Nickel Mineralization Mt. Davies Area • COATS R. P.—Tent Hill Formation Correlations—Port Augusta and Lake Torrens
Quarterly Geological Notes No. 17 - January 1966
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Contains articles on: • NIXON L.G. and TOWNEND R .- The Occurrence and Petrology of Syenite Porphyry at the Burra Copper Mine. • FIRMAN J. B.— Stratigraphic Units of Late Cainozoic Age in the Adelaide Plains Basin, South Australia. • HUSSIN J. J.-Geophysical Survey of the Bedford Park Teachers College Site. • HARRIS, W. K. and LUDBROOK N. H. Occurrence of Permian Sediments in the Eucla Basin, South Australia. • DALGARNO C. R. — Structures from Proterozoic Carbonate Rocks, Adelaide Geosyncline.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.18 - April 1966
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Contains articles on: • BLISSETT A. H.— Copper Tolerant Plants from the Ukaparinga Copper Mine, Williamstown. • FREYTAG I. B.— Proposed Rock Units for Marine Lower Cretaceous Sediments in the Oodnadatta Region of the Great Artesian Basin. • WHITTEN G. F.— Suggested Correlation of Iron Ore Deposits within South Australia.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.19 - July 1966
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Contains articles on: • LUDBROOK N. H. and LINDSAY J. M. — The Aldingan Stage. • NIXON L. G. — Large Scale Parallel Folding in the Torrens Gorge. • LINDSAY J. M. and SHEPHERD R. G. — Munno Para Clay Member
Quarterly Geological Notes No.20 - October 1966
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Contains articles on: • HARRIS, W. K.—New and Redefined Names in South Australian Lower Tertiary Stratigraphy. • FIRMAN, J. B.—Stratigraphy of The Chowilla Area in the Murray Basin. • THOMSON, B. P — Stratigraphic Relationships between Sediments of Marinoan Age—Adelaide Region. • BINKS P. J. - Geology of the Horrocks Pass Area
Quarterly Geological Notes No.21 - January 1967
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Contains articles on: FAIRBURN W. A. - Minor En Echelon Folding at Burra JOHNS R. K. - Cambrian Phosphorite, St Johns MASON, M. G. - The PRECAMBRIAN-TERTIARY CONTACT in the Golden Grove-One Tree Hill Area
Quarterly Geological Notes No.22 - April 1967
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Contains articles on: • ALLCHURCH P. D. — A Buried Scarp of Torrens River Valley, North Adelaide • LIRMAN, J. B.— Late Cainozoic Stratigraphic Units in South Australia. • MAJOR R. B. and TELUK J. A. — The Kulyong Volcanics
Quarterly Geological Notes No.23 - July 1967
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Contains articles on: • COATS R. P. — The “ Lower Glacial Sequence” — Sturtian Type Area • WOPLNER H. — Some Observations on Cainozoic Land Surfaces in the Officer Basin • COATS R. P. — The Pepegoona Porphyry Problem, Mt. Painter Area
Quarterly Geological Notes No. 24 - October 1967
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Contains articles on: • ALLCHURCH P. D.—Karst Topography on Hallett Cove Sandstone in the Adelaide City Area • FAIRBURN W.A.—Frequency Effect Vectorial Analysis of the Ediacara Mineral Field • FORBES B. G.—Unconformable Base of the Appila Tillite west of Pekina • JOHNS R. K.—Molybdenite in the South Eastern South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.25 - January 1968
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Contains articles on: • HIERN M. N. — Regional Setting of South Australian Ceramic Clays • ROWAN I. S. — Regional Gravity Survey — Kimba and Elliston 1: 250,000 Map Areas • THOMSON B. P. and JOHNSON J. E.— Marinoan Stratigraphy, Port Augusta Region
Quarterly Geological Notes No.26 - April 1968.
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Contains articles on: • LINDSAY J. M. — Notes on Foraminifera and Stratigraphy of the Grange and Croydon Bores • WHITTEN G. E. — Type Section of Iron Formations,Tarcoola District • WOPFNER H. and TOWNEND R. - Heavy Mineral Sands from Lake Hope. Cooper’s Creek Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.27 - July 1968
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Contains articles on: • BINKS, P. J.— Comparison of Total and Partial Extraction Techniques on Drainage Sediments in the Adelaide Hills • ROBERTS G. T.—“Stone” Springs in the Robe Area
Quarterly Geological Notes No.28 - October 1968
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Contains articles on: • HIERN M. N. - Fragmental Limestones on the Nullarbor Plain • ROBERTS G. T. - Features of the Blanchetown Clay in the Waikerie District • WOPFNER H. - Cretaceous Sediments on the Mt. Margaret Plateau and evidence for Neo - Tectonism
Quarterly Geological Notes No.29 -January 1969.
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Contains articles on: • TARVYDAS R. K. — Geophysical and Morphological Aspects, Granite Inselbergs, Yarwondutta Rocks, Eyre Peninsula • MILTON B. E. — Geophysical Investigations of the Warrangarrana Structure, Northern Boorthanna Trough
Quarterly Geological Notes No.30 - April 1969.
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Contains articles on: • HIERN M. N. and ADAM J. R. - Changing Uses of Talc in Australia • McGOWRAN B. and LINDSAY J. M. - A Middle Eocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblage from the Eucla Basin.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.31 - July 1969.
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Contains articles on: HARRIS, WAYNE K. – The Occurrence and Identification of Megaspores in Permian Sediments, South Australia DEMAISON G .- Stratigraphic Drilling in the Arckaringa Sub-basin JOHNS R. K. – Diamond Drilling of Fairview Phosphate Deposit
Quarterly Geological Notes No.32 - October 1969.
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Contains articles on: CALLEN R. A. - Tertiary Spring Quartzites and Carbonates, in the Eastern Flinders Ranges. MILTON B. E. – Western Arckaringa Basin: Depths to Basement from Seismic Investigations
Quarterly Geological Notes No.33 - January 1970.
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Contains articles on: FORBES B. G – Benda Siltstones LINDSAY J. M. — Melton Limestone: Multiple Mid-Tertiary Transgressions, South-Eastern Gawler Platform CALLEN R. A. — Tertiary Spring Quartzites
Quarterly Geological Notes No.34 - April 1970
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Contains articles on: PAINTER J. A. C. — Dating Groundwater by Tritium Analysis WOPFNER H. — Climbing Ripple Laminae from the Cooper Creek Flood Plain near Innamincka
Quarterly Geological Notes No.35 - July 1970
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN J. B. — Structural Lineaments in the Murray Basin of South Australia. HARRIS, Wayne K. — An Upper Jurassic Microflora from the Western Margin of the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia. MAJOR R. B. — Woodroffe Thrust Zone in the Musgrave Ranges.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.36 - October 1970.
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN J. B. — Late Cainozoic Stratigraphic Units in the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia. LINDSAY J.M — Port Willunga Beds in the Port Noarlunga —Seaford area. MILTON B. E. and THORNTON R.C.N. — Discovery of a Dense Lower to Middle Palaeozoic Dolomite in the North-west Arckaringa Basin.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.37 - January 1971
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Contains articles on: KRIEG G. W. — Relic drainage in the Serpentine Lakes area. THOMSON B. P. and AMTMANIS T. — Permian glacial deposits in the Kangarilla - Kuitpo area, Southern Mount Lofty Ranges. WILLIAMS A. F. — A meteorite find from the Tirari Desert.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.38 - April 1971
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Contains articles on: FORBES B. G. — A Table of Adelaidean and Cambrian Stratigraphic names NICHOL D. — Breccia in South Australia. PREISS W. — Stromatolite biostratigraphy in the Late Precambrian
Quarterly Geological Notes No.39 - July 1971
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Contains articles on: NICHOL D. — The Mount Willoughby Limestone. PITT G. M. — Geology of the MacDonald Corridor, Olary Province. TOWNSEND I. J. — Recent logging of the New Kopperamanna Bore WHITTEN G. F. — Atlas of Technical Data
Quarterly Geological Notes No.40 - October 1971.
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN, J.B. — Riverine and swamp deposits in the Murray River Tract, South Australia. HARRIS, Wayne K. and McGOWRAN, B. — Permian and reworked Devonian microfossils from the Troubridge Basin.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.41 - January 1972
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Contains articles on: FORBES B. G. — Possible Post - Winton Mesozoic rocks north east of Marree, South Australia. KREIG G. W. — The Ammaroodinna Inlier
Quarterly Geological Notes No.42 - April 1972
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Contains articles on: MORRIS B.J. - The Calcrete Problem, Tailem Bend - Keith Pipeline NELSON R.G. - Electrical Resistivity Investigations in the southeast of South Australia.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.43 - July 1972
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Contains articles on: WILLIAMS A. F. – Celestite occurrences in the western Great Artesian Basin, South Australia WOPFNER H. — Maghemite from Cainozoic sediments at Hallett Cove YOUNGS B.C. and WOPFNER H. — Subsurface faults and recent earthquakes in the Simpson Desert
Quarterly Geological Notes No.44 - October 1972.
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Contains articles on: FORBES B. G., COATS R. P. and DAILY B. — Truro Volcanics THORNTON R. C. N. — Lower Cretaceous sedimentary units beneath the western Murray Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.45 - January 1973.
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Contains articles on: LINDSAY J. M. and GILES S. D. — Notes on the Lepidocyclina Zone in Morgan Limestone along the Murray River, South Australia MAJOR R. B. — The Wirrildar Beds Addendum to R. C. N. Thornton, QGN 044
Quarterly Geological Notes No.46 - April 1973.
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Contains articles on: MAJOR R. B. — The Pindyin Beds MAJOR R. B. — The Wright Hill Beds MILTON B. E. and PARKER A. J. — An Interpretation of Geophysical Observations on the Northern Margin of the Eastern Officer Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.47 - July 1973
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Contains articles on: CONOR C. H. H. and YOUNG D. A. — Eerricretes: their occurrence, formation and use in geological interpretation on Eateringinna MAJOR R. B. — The Mangatitja Limestone WATERHOUSE J. D. — The Tartwaup Fault?
Quarterly Geological Notes No.48 - October 1973
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Contains articles on: BEAL J. C. — Some Engineering Geology aspects of the proposed Little Para Dam site MAJOR R. B. — Red Sandy Soils, North West Province SELBY J. and LINDSAY J. M.— Blanche Point Banded Marl; An alternative bearing horizon beneath the City of Adelaide
Quarterly Geological Notes No.49 - January 1974
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Contains articles on: OLLIVER J.G. — Fluorite deposit, Mutooroo PREISS W. V. — The River Broughton Beds — a Willouran sequence in the Spalding inlier. TOWNSEND I. J. — Mud Lumps in the Coorong
Quarterly Geological Notes No.50 - April 1974.
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Contains articles on: MAJOR R. B. — The Boongar Beds WAKE-DYSTER K. D. — Hydrogeology of the Piccadilly Valley area WEATHERBY K. — The Myrla sinkholes
Quarterly Geological Notes No.51 - July 1974
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Contains articles on: MAJOR R. B. — The Punkerri Beds MILTON B. E. — Seismic experiments in the northern Eucla Basin, South Australia MORRIS B.J. and NICHOL D. — Basic Rocks of the Kanmantoo Group at Tailem Bend
Quarterly Geological Notes No.52 - October 1974.
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN J. B. — Upper Cainozoic stratigraphic units of the Gawler Block and Eucla Basin in South Australia MILTON B. E. — Experimental seismic exploration, eastern Eucla Basin, South Australia ROBERTSON R. S. — Extremely weathered cut material on the South East Freewa
Quarterly Geological Notes No.53 - January 1975
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Contains articles on: KEELING J. L. - Computer storage and retrieval of drill hole sample data for core library management. MILTON B. E. - Reconnaissance seismic exploration, southwest Arckaringa Basin, South Australia, 1974 NICHOL D. - The colour of Nephrite Jade from Cowell
Quarterly Geological Notes No.54 - April 1975
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Contains articles on: TOWNSEND I. J. and LUDBROOK N. H. — Revision of Permian and Devonian nomenclature of four formations in and below the Arckaringa Basin YOUNGS B.C. — The Early Permian Purni Formation of the Pedirka Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.55 - July 1975.
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Contains articles on: BLISSETT A. H. — Rock units in theGawler Range Volcanics, South Australia. STADTER M. H. — Geochemical survey of the Trinity Mine— King Dam area
Quarterly Geological Notes No.56 - October 1975.
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Contains articles on: MASON M. G. — Groundwater near Giddi Giddinna Creek, northeast of Coober Pedy, South Australia MORRIS B. J. — Biogeochemical sampling as an exploration tool NIXON L. G. — The stratigraphy and structure of the Moonabie Formation at Mount Laura, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.57 - January 1976
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Contains articles on: BARNES C. P. — Spalling in concrete LUDBROOK, N. H. — The Glanville Formation at Port Adelaide WETHERBY, K. — Correlation between Quaternary geological formations and land description units (land systems) SELBY, J. — A mobile core photographing frame.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.58 - April 1976
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN J. B.—Limestone at the base of the Pleistocene sequence in South Australia NELSON R. G —The Mulgathing Trough OLLIVER J. G. and REED J. A. -Drillhole intersections of Eocene sediments, northern margin of Willunga Sub-Basin.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.59 - July 1976.
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Contains articles on: BARNES L.C, and PITT G.M. -The Mirackina Conglomerate BARNES L.C, and PITT G.M. -The Tallaringa Palaeodrainage system FLINT, D.J. - Heavy mineral rich sediments within the Kanmantoo Group,Kangaroo Island. OLLIVER J. G., SPENCER W. G. and COOPER R. — Unusual mottled Baritefrom Matthews deposit, Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.60 - October 1976
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Contains articles on: FORBES B. G. and COOPER R. S. —The Pualco Tillite of the Olary Region, South Australia. GATEHOUSE C. - A fossil in the Observatory Hill Beds, South Australia MANNIK M. and MORONY G. —Computer preparation of elevation maps in areas where topographic informationis meagre. YOULES I. P. — Mount Toondina Impactstructure
Quarterly Geological Notes No.61 - January 1977.
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Contains articles on: COOPER B.J. — Tertiary stratigraphic nomenclature in the Inkerman - Balaklava coalfield GILES C.W.— Rock units in theGawler Range Volcanics, Lake Everard area, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.62 - April 1977
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Contains articles on: BARNES, L. C. and PITT, G. M. -The Mount Sarah Sandstone CAMBELL, K. S. W., ROGERS, P. A. andBENBOW, M. — Fossiliferous LowerDevonian boulders from the Cretaceous ofSouth Australia JOHNSON, P.D. — Mapping on floatmaterial at Monarto McINERNEY, P. M. - IP and VLF - EManomalies over the Carpa Graphitedeposit, Eyre Peninsula NELSON, R. G. — The Pallamana Fault WOPFNER, H. — Mount Toondina —?Diapir or Astrobleme
Quarterly Geological Notes No.63 - July 1977
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Contains articles on: BARNES Lew C„ BENBOW Mark C , KRIEG Graham W„ PITT Graham M , HARRIS Wayne K., and LINDSAY J. Murray. - Permian outcropson the southwestern margin of the ArckaringaBasin DREXEL John F. - Fluorite occurrence near Mount Gee, Mount Painter Province FORBES Bryan G. — Bungaree Quartzite (new name):Lower Adelaidean, southwest of Spalding,South Australia McINERNEY Philip M. and ROBERTS Doug. C.- Seismic refraction investigations for proposed northern power station, Port Augusta MORONY Gary K. — Seismic refraction survey, Paterson Point Limestone, Redcliff area FURNESS Lindsay J. — Tektite find at Hindmarsh Tiers SCRIVEN Neil H. — Welded tuff at the Burra mine
Quarterly Geological Notes No.64 - October 1977.
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Contains articles on: COOPER B. J. – New and revised stratigraphic nomenclature for the Willunga Embayment. FORBES B.G., BLISSETT A.H. and WHITEHEAD S.G. – Pillow structures in an older Precambrian hornfels near Kokatha. LINDSAY J.M. and WILLIAMS A.F. – Oligocene marine transgression at Hartley and Monarto, southwestern margin of the Murray Basin. MURRELL B., LINK P.K. and GOSTIN V.A. – Evidence for only one Sturtian glacial period in the COPLEY map area. COATS R. P. and FORBES B. G. – Evidence for two Sturtian glaciations in South Australia. - A reply
Quarterly Geological Notes No.65 - January 1978.
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Contains articles on: CANN John H . — An exposed reference section for the Glanville Formation CARR S. G. and OLLIVER J. G - Pedogenic palygorskite near Oodla Wirra FORBES Bryan G . — The Boucaut Volcanics
Quarterly Geological Notes No.66 - April 1978.
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Contains articles on: MASON M. G., THOMSON B. P., and TONKIN D. G. — Regional stratigraphy of the Beda Volcanics, Backy Point Beds and Pandurra Formation on the southern Stuart Shelf, South Australia WEBB A. W„ and HORR G. - The Rb-Sr age and petrology of a flow from the Beda Volcanics SELBY J. - Foundation conditions at Mangalo, Eyre Peninsula YOUNGS Bridget C. — Stratigraphic drilling in the eastern Arrowie Basin, 1975-1976
Quarterly Geological Notes No.67 - July 1978
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Contains articles on: BARNETT S. — Late Tertiary sediments on Eyre Peninsula COOPER B. J. and LINDSAY J. M - Marine entrance to the Cainozoic St. Vincent Basin GERDES R. A. —The Lake Hart Proterozoic Basin in the Gawler Platform TOWNSEND I. J. —Failure in overburden and coal, lobe D, Leigh Creek
Quarterly Geological Notes No.68 - October 1978
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Contains articles on: ALVEY J. T. - Borehole examination of Beetaloo Reservoir wall ANDERSON C. G. — Magnetic Interpretation in the northwestern Stuart Shelf area, South Australia BENBOW M. C. and PITT G. M. - The Garford Formation PLUMMER P. S. — Evidence of Volcanism contemporaneous with late Adelaidean Sediment
Quarterly Geological Notes No.69 - January 1979.
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Contains articles on: ALVEY J. T.—Experimental logging to test flow characteristics of water wells BELL, A. J., CROXFORD N. J. W. and HEMMING G. R. - Alkaline igneous rocks at North Billeroo, Olary Province, South Australia BENBOW M. C. and FLINT R. B. - The Engenina Adamellite and Balta Granite of the Mount Woods inlier LINDSAY J. M. and WEBB A. W. - Potassium-argon (glauconite) dates for the basal Blanche Point Formation, St Vincent Basin, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.70 - April 1979.
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Contains articles on: LINDSAY J. M. and HARRIS W. K. - Tandanya Sand Member (Chinaman Gully Formation) in the Adelaide city area, St. Vincent Basin TOWNSEND I. J. - The correlation and depositional history of the Leigh Creek coal measures WATERHOUSE J. D. and GERGES N. Z. - Notes on the geology of the Angas—Bremer irrigation area
Quarterly Geological Notes No.71 - July 1979
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Contains articles on: BARKER I. C„ BARNES L. C. and BENBOW M. C. — The Russo Beds GILES C. W. and TEALE G. S. - A comparison of the geochemistry of the Roopena Volcanics and the Beda Volcanics GILES C. W. and TEALE G. S. - The geochemistry of Proterozoic acid volcanics from the Frome Basin PITT G. M. - The Cutana Beds
Quarterly Geological Notes No.72 - October 1979
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Contains articles on: BEAL J. C. — Buried valley profiles, Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens McPHARLIN D. — Examination of bores near the Gawler River, northern Adelaide Plains PRE1SS W. V. — Megabreccia in Burra Group, Worumba Anticline
Quarterly Geological Notes No.73 - January 1980
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Contains articles on: CARR S. G. and OLLIVER J. G. - Olivine basalt dyke near Terowie COOPER B. J. - Stratigraphy of a deep bore in the Noarlunga Embayment CROOKS A. F. and GATEHOUSE C. G. - Large trilobite track from Ellery Creek, Northern Territory IREDALE J. and HOUGH L.P. - Gravity and magnetic measurements over a diapiric structure near Quorn
Quarterly Geological Notes No.74 - April 1980
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Contains articles on: GATEHOUSE C. G. — New stratigraphic names in South Australia — 1979 MOUNT T. J. - The Arkaba breccia intrusion and the Arkaba Hill Beds, Flinders Ranges.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.75 - July 1980.
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Contains articles on: GERDES L.A. and MANNIK M. - Quarterly Geological Notes Index, Volumes 1—75 JULY, 1980 (1962-1980)
Quarterly Geological Notes No.76 - October 1980
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Contains articles on: NOBLE R.J.— Libethenite at the Burra Copper Mine PARKER A.J. — The Kalinjala Mylonite Zone, eastern Eyre Peninsula PREISS W.V.— New stratigraphic nomenclature for Willouran to Sturtian units of the Worumba Anticline
Quarterly Geological Notes No.77 - January 1981
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Contains articles on: SELBY J. and MILNER G. - Foundation geology of the Northern Power Station TOWNSEND I. J. - Discovery of early Cretaceous sediments at Mintabie Opal Field
Quarterly Geological Notes No.78 - April 1981.
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Contains articles on: GATEHOUSE C.G. - New stratigraphic names in South Australia, 1980 GILES C.W. and TEALE C.S. - An investigation of altered volcanic rocks in Bumbarlow 1 LINDSAY J.M. - Stratigraphic outline of the Longyear bore, Southern Adelaide Plains
Quarterly Geological Notes No.79 - July 1981
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Contains articles on: COOPER B. J. - Carboniferous and Permian sediments in South Australia and their correlation FORBES B. G.; MURRELL B. and PREISS W. V. - Subdivision of lower Adelaidean, Willouran ranges SELBY J. and GERGES N. Z. - Saline groundwater at Waterloo Corner
Quarterly Geological Notes No.80 - October 1981.
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Contains articles on: EDWARDS D.R. and TILL M.R. - Groundwater mound beneath Waikerie irrigation area FANNING C.M., OLIVER R.L. and COOPER J.A. — The Carnot Gneisses, southern Eyre Peninsula FLINT R.B. and PARKER A.J. - The Blue Range Beds, central Eyre Peninsula LEONARD J., ARGUE J. and WATERHOUSE J.D. - Water budget of a small catchment in the
Quarterly Geological Notes No.81 - January 1982
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Contains articles on: BENBOW M.C., LINDSAY J.M., HARRIS W.K. and COOPER B.J. - Latest Eocene marine incursion, northeast margin of the Eucla Basin COOPER B.J., HARRIS W.K., and MEYER G.M. - The Late Palaeozoic Coolardie Formation, Polda Basin GATEHOUSE C.G., and COOPER B.J. - The Late Jurassic Polda Formation, Eyre Peninsula
Quarterly Geological Notes No.82 - April 1982
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Contains articles on: FORBES B .G . — Minor changes in stratigraphic nomenclature, Adelaidean system, Late Proterozoic GATEHOUSE C .G . — New stratigraphic names in South Australia—1981 MORRIS B .J. — Groundwater hydrogeochemistry in South Australia and its application to mineral exploration
Quarterly Geological Notes No.83 - July 1982.
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Contains articles on: GERDES R.A. — The Interpreted Depths to Magnetic Basement Map of South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.84 - October 1982
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Contains articles on: JENKINS R.J.F., JONES J.B., McGOWRAN B., BEECROFT A.S. and FITZGERALD M .J. - Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Blanche Point Formation, Late Eocene, Willunga sub-basin REED G.D.— Interpretation of gravity and resistivity results over the southern Willunga Fault zone SHEARD M.J.— Sources of nitrate ions in underground waters throughout central Australia: A discussion
Quarterly Geological Notes No.85 - January 1983
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Contains articles on: FIRMAN J.B. — Silcrete near Chundie Swamps: The stratigraphic setting LINDSAY J.M . — Oligo-Miocene transgressive events in Geera Clay,Oakvale 1, northern Murray Basin McPHARLIN D. — Groundwater contamination at Kongorong Cheese Factory
Quarterly Geological Notes No.86 - March 1983
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Contains articles on: COOPER B.J.— Ferruginous concretions at Maslin Beach GATEHOUSE C.G .- Stratigraphic units in the Warburton Basin in South Australia SMITH P.C.— Determination of aquifer transmissivity from airlift and recovery tests
Quarterly Geological Notes No.87 - July 1983
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Contains articles on: BROWN R., FARRAND M. and FORBES B.G.— Magnetic fraction of a sand near Moomba FOSTER C.B.— 'Carboniferous and Permian sediments in South Australia and their correlation'. by B.J. Cooper: a discussion COOPER B.J.— 'Carboniferous and Permian sediments in South Australia and their correlation.’ A reply to C.B. Foster
Quarterly Geological Notes No.88 - October 1983
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Contains articles on: CALLEN R.A.— The islands of Lake Frome COBB M.A. and BEAL J.C.- An artificial in the Angas-Bremer Irrigation Area FANNING C.M., FLINT R.B. and PREISS W.V.— Geochronology of the Pandurra Formation
Quarterly Geological Notes No.89 - January 1984.
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Contains articles on: BONE Y.— The Wardang Volcanics, Wardang Island, Yorke Peninsula COBB M.A. and FARRAND M.G.- A new occurrence of the Truro Volcanics PREISS W.V. and FAULKNER P.- Geology, geophysics and stratigraphic drilling at Depot Creek, southern Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.90 - April 1984
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Contains articles on: COOPER B.J.— Historical perspective: Australia’s first geology book, 1846 KEELING J.L. and FARRAND M.G.- Origin and formation of matrix opal from Andamooka, South Australia SHEARD M.J.— Potable groundwater in an arid environment: Marla town water supply
Quarterly Geological Notes No.91 - July 1984
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Contains articles on: COOPER B.J.— Historical perspective: Early geophysical investigations in South Australia DALY S.J. - Wilgena 1 stratigraphic drillhole , Tarcoola MORTON J.G.G., ALLEY N.F., HILL A. and GRIFFITHS M.— Possible late Palaeozoic glacigene sediments near Blinman, Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.92 - October 1984.
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Contains articles on: COOPER B.J. — Historical Perspective: The search for coal in South Australia before 1851 GATEHOUSE C.G. and MURRAY-WALLACE C.V. - The Rockleigh Formation — a Late Quaternary valley fill sequence in the eastern South Mount Lofty Ranges WOPFNER H. and GRUN R. - An ESR age of a freshwater carbonate from the Cordillo region, northeastern South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.93 - January 1985
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Contains articles on: FANNING C.M. — Comments on Rb-Sr total rock dating measurements for the Wardang Volcanics, Yorke Peninsula FARRAND M.G. and GATEHOUSE C.G. - Strained and unstrained quartz in the Cambrian Observatory Hill beds. A means of subsurface correlation in the Officer Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.94 - April 1985
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Contains articles on: ALLEY N.F. and ROGERS P.A. - Palynology of limestone nodules as an aid in determining the age of marine Cretaceous strata in the Eromanga Basin BEAL J.C. — Site excavation within a deeply weathered siltstone, at Happy Valley Reservoir MORTON J.G.G. and GATEHOUSE C.G. — A revision of the Toolachee and Daralingie Formations, Cooper Basin, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.95 - July 1985
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Contains articles on: FARRAND M.G. and NEWTON A.W. — Pseudo-igneous phenomena in the Springfield Basin RESCIGNANO B. - Hydrogeology of the Noarlunga Embayment
Quarterly Geological Notes No.96 - October 1985
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Contains articles on: BELPERIO A.P. — Quaternary geology of the Sandy Point and Outer Harbor — St Kilda areas, Gulf St Vincent SMITH P.C., READ R.E. and ROGERS P.A. — Geology and Hydrogeology of Clayton-2 Stratigraphic Well
Quarterly Geological Notes No.97 - January 1986
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Contains articles on: BLISSETT A.H. - Subdivision of the Gawler Range Volcanics in the Gawler Ranges CLARKE J.D.A. — Subdivision of the lower part of the Wilkawillina Limestone, Eastern Flinders Ranges GATEHOUSE C.G., BENBOW M.C. and MAJOR R.B. — The Mumaroo Formation of the Officer Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.98 - April 1986
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Contains article on: DREXEL J.F. and McCALLUM W.S. - Origin and age of the Burra copper orebody
Quarterly Geological Notes No.99 - July 1986
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Contains article on: CLARKE -J.D.A. — Subdivision of the Early Cambrian Parara Limestone at Wilkawillina Gorge, Flinders Ranges GERDES R.A. - A geophysical appraisal of the graben beneath the Polda Basin, Eyre Peninsula READ R.E. — An unusual aquifer at Windy Creek
Quarterly Geological Notes No.100 - October 1986
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Contains articles on: CLARKE J.D.A. — Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the upper part of the Wilkawillina Limestone, Wilkawillina Gorge, Flinders Ranges COOPER B.J. — A record of Ordovician conodonts from the Warburton Basin, South Australia SHEARD M.J. — Some volcanological observations at Mount Schank, southeast South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.101 - January 1987
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Contains articles on: GERDES R.A. — Western Otway Basin regional magnetic field study SCHMID R.M. - Age dating at Mountford Spring, Lake Torrens SELBY J. — Quarterly Geological Notes readership survey
Quarterly Geological Notes No.102 - April 1987.
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Contains articles on: BREWER A. M ., DUNSTER J. N., GATEHOUSE C. G., HENRY R. L and WEST E G. — A revision of the stratigraphy of the eastern Officer Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.103 - July 1987
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Contains articles on: COOPER B. J. the Kyancutta— Historical perspective of the Kyancutta Museum NUYTS 1:250 000 geological map and explanatory notes. SHEARD M. J. and BOWMAN G. M. - Definition of the Keswick CLay, Adelaide / Golden Grove Embayment, Para and Eden Blocks, South Australia SHEARD M. J. and BOWMAN G. M. - Definition of the upper boundary of the Hindmarsh Clay, Adelaide Plains Sub-Basin and Adelaide / Golden Grove Embayment, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.104 - October 1987
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Contains articles on: CALLEN R.A. and FARRAND M.G. - Simpson Desert sand colour. COWLEY W.M. and PARKER A.J. - Gold in Burra Group sediments, Port Pirie region. DREXEL J.F. and MAJOR R.B. - Geology of the Uraniferous Breccias near Mount Painter, South Australia and revision of rock nomenclature
Quarterly Geological Notes No.105 - January 1988
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Contains articles on: FLINT R. B. FANNING C. M. and RANKIN L. R. Carappee Granite of central Eyre Peninsula. LEMON N. M. - Tidal influences in the marginal Eromanga Basin RANKIN L. R., FLINT R. B. and FANNING C. M. - The Bosanquet Formation of the Gawler Craton
Quarterly Geological Notes No.106 - April 1988
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Contains articles on: ALLEY N.F. and LEMON N.M. - Evidence of earliest Cretaceous (Neocomian) marine influence, northern Flinders Ranges BOWMAN G.M. and SHEARD M.J. - Redefinition of the Fulham Sand, Adelaide Plains Sub-Basin, South Australia FLINT R.B., FANNING C.M. and RANKIN L.R. — The Late Proterozoic Kilroo Formation of the Polda Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.107 - July 1988
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Contains articles on: BENBOW M. C. and LINDSAY J. M. - Discovery of Lepidocyclina (Foraminiferida) in the Eucla Basin BOWMAN G .M . and SHEARD M. J. - Definition of the Kilburn Sand, Adelaide Plains Sub-Basin READ R. E. - A flowing well near Woomera YARDEA 1:250,000 geological map
Quarterly Geological Notes No.108 - October 1988
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Contains articles on: BOURMAN R.P. and ALLEY N.F. - Permian glacial features, northwestern Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia KEELING J.L. and BROWN R.N. - Crystallinity values for selected kaolin samples from the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia SWEETAPPLE M.T. and VEEH H.H. - A radioactive anomaly in the Dutton River area of eastern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.109 - January 1989.
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Contains articles on: ALDAM R. and KUANG K.S. - An investigation of structures controlling natural discharge of artesian waters in the southwestern Great Artesian Basin BENBOW M.C. — History of recognition and delineation of coastal aeolian landforms of the Eucla Basin, South Australia COOPER B .J. - The Early Cambrian Milendella Limestone Member (Kanmantoo Group), a stratigraphic marker horizon in the Karinya Syncline
Quarterly Geological Notes No.110 - April 1989
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Contains articles on: CLARKE J.D.A. - Sedimentology of the Early Cambrian Bunkers Sandstone, eastern Flinders Ranges COWLEY W.M. and MARTIN A.R. - Definition - the Proterozoic Labyrinth Formation, north of Kingoonya SCHMID R .M . - The exploration potential of Lake Torrens, South Australia SHACKLETON W.G. - Chemostratigraphy and chemostratigraphic units of part of the Cooper Basin, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.111 - July 1989
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Contains articles on: ALLEY N.F. and BENBOW M.C. - Late Eocene Palynofloras from the Pidinga Formation SADME Ooldea Range 6, eastern Eucla Basin FORBES B.G. - A small geological Piercement Structure southwest of Marree TOWNSEND I.J . - Definition of Cox Sandstone Member of the Tarcowie Siltstone
Quarterly Geological Notes No.112 - October 1989
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Contains articles on: ALVEY J.T. — Problems in the application of wireline logging at Blewitt Springs COWLEY W.M. - Definition - the Curdlawidny Siltstone Member of the Andamooka Limestone near 'Parakylia’ west of Roxby Downs PREISS W.V. and RADKE F. - A new occurrence of mafic igneous rocks beneath the northern Murray Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.113 - January 1990
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Contains articles on: BENBOW M.C. — The Yarle Sandstone: a Miocene coastal terrigenous sequence of the Eucla Platform ROGERS P.A. - Late Quaternary stratigraphy of the Roonka archaeological sites RANKIN L.R. and GATEHOUSE C.G. - The northern margin of the Warburton Basin
Quarterly Geological Notes No.114 - April 1990.
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Contains articles on: FLINT R.B., RANKIN L.R. and FANNING C.M. - Definition - the Palaeoproterozoic St Peter Suite of the western Gawler Craton KEELING J.L. = The provenance and accumulation of coarse-grained sand on Silica Beach, Baird Bay, Eyre Peninsula SHEARD M .J. - Glendonites from the southern Eromanga Basin in South Australia: palaeoclimatic indicators for Cretaceous ice.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.115 (Volumes 1 to 114 Index)
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The Index comprises the following sections: Alphabetical list of authors; Author index; Subject/Stratigraphic index; Locality index; Map sheet index - 1:250 000; Map sheet index - 1:100 000.
Quarterly Geological Notes No.116 - October 1990.
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Contains articles on: MORTON J.G.G. - Revisions to Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Otway Basin, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.117 - January 1991
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Contains articles on: DIBONA P.A.- A previously unrecognised Late Proterozoic succession: Upper Wilpena Group, northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia LI Z.X., WAHYONO H., POWELL C.McA. and GATEHOUSE C.G.- Preliminaiy palaeomagnetic results from drill core in SADME Ooldea 3, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.118 - April 1991
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Contains articles on: LABLACK K.L. — Observations on Tertiary Stratigraphy of the Milang and Langhorne Creek Plains, Murray Basin, South Australia READ R.E. — Groundwater recharge in the Mount Bayley Syncline, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.119 - July 1991
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Contains articles on: COWLEY W.M. and FANNING C.M. — Low-grade Archaean Metavolcanics in the northern Gawler Craton FLINT R.B. and RANKIN L.R. — The St Francis Granite of the southwestern Gawler Craton
Quarterly Geological Notes No.120 - October 1991.
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Contains articles on: HILL A.J. — Revisions to the Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature of the Bight and Duntroon Basins, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.121 - January 1992
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Contains articles on: CALLEN R.A. — Late Cainozoic Fluvial sands of the northern Strzelecki Desert — Yandruwantha Sand PREISS W.V. — The Ketchowla Siltstone and Stratigraphy of the Marinoan Glacial Yerelina Subgroup MILLER D.T. and GRIFFIN P.A. — Willochra Plain seismic reflection survey COOPER B.J. — Historical Perspective: The role of Sir Thomas Playford in petroleum exploration (1958-1965)
Quarterly Geological Notes No.122 - April 1992.
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Contains articles on: DYSON I.A. — Stratigraphic nomenclature and sequence stratigraphy of the lower Wilpena Group, Adelaide Geosyncline: the Sandison Subgroup LOVE A.J., HERCZEG A.L., ARMSTRONG D. and STADTER M.H. — Groundwater flow system s of regional aquifers in the Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basin, south eastern Australia SHEARD M.J. and FLINT R.B. — Cretaceous wave-polished granite surfaces, northern Mount Babbage Inlier, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.123 - July 1992.
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Contains articles on: BARNETT S.R. — Hydrogeological modelling in the Mallee region of the Murray Basin DODDS A.R. — Improvements in electrical (TEM) sounding inversion techniques SHEARD M .J., FANNING C.M. and FLINT R.B. — Geochronology and definition of Mesoproterozoic volcanics and granitoids of the Mount Babbage Inlier, northern Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.124 - October 1992.
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Contains articles on: DYSON I.A. — Geology of the Upalinna Diapir, central Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.125 - January 1993
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Contains articles on: BLACK L.P., FERGUSON J. and GRAY P.T. — A Jurassic U-Pb zircon age for a South Australian kimberlitic rock CALLEN R.A. and KENNEDY S. — Celestite around some South Australian playas — a summary and suggested exploration strategy FERMIO S.J. — Granitoids of the Reedy Creek area, Mannum, South Australia TEALE G.S. — The Nooldoonooldoona Trondhjemite and other newly recognised Mesoproterozoic intrusives of the Mount Painter Province
Quarterly Geological Notes No.126 - June 1993
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Contains articles on: BAMPTON K.F. — Origin and age of the Burra copper orebody — a discussion PREISS W.F. and DREXEL J.F. — Origin and age of the Burra copper orebody — a reply KEELING J.L. — Microbial influence in the growth of alluvial gold from Watts Gully, South Australia MILLER D.T. and SCHURING J. — The Sandison Subgroup, north of Buckaringa Gorge, Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.127 - 1995
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Contains articles on: CHATFIELD K.A. — The impact of volcanism on petroleum exploration, Otway Basin, South Australia COWLEY W.M. — The Yackamoorundie Inlier - a possible new occurrence of Willouran rocks TEALE G.S. — Highly deformed alkaline granites from the southern Mount Painter Inlier, northern Flinders Ranges
Quarterly Geological Notes No.128 - April 1995
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Contains articles on: BOURMAN, R.P. and ALLEY, N.F. — Late Palaeozoic sediments at King Point, southeastern Troubridge Basin, South Australia GATEHOUSE, C.G., FANNING, C.M. and FLINT, R.B. — Geochronology of the Big Lake Suite, Warburton Basin, northeastern South Australia TEALE, G.S., FLOOD, R.H. and SHAW, S.E. — A Devonian cordierite-bearing volcanic pebble from the Cretaceous Bulldog Shale, South Australia
Quarterly Geological Notes No.129 - 1996
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Contains articles on: ALLEY, N.F., BENBOW, M.C. and KRIEG, G.W. — Dating and correlation of Early Cretaceous drillhole samples, southwestern South Australia DYSON, I.A. — Stratigraphy of the Burra and Umberatana Groups in the Willippa Anticline, central Flinders Ranges DYSON, I.A., GATEHOUSE, C.G. and JAGO, J.B. — Sequence stratigraphy of the Talisker Calc-siltstone and lateral equivalents in the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group