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Total Magnetic Intensity Map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
1982 compilation of contours for total magnetic intensity derived from company and government surveys
Interpreted Depth to Magnetic Basement Map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
1982 compilation for depth to magnetic source
Geological map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The 1:2 000 000 Geological Map of South Australia (2001) presents the surface geology of the State, summarised from the sixty-eight 1:250 000 maps which cover South Australia.
Bouguer gravity anomaly map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
1982 edition of the Bouguer Anomaly map of South Australia
Groundwater resource map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
1982 edition showing distribution of groundwater quality in the various geological environments
Tectonic map of South Australia 1:2 000 000
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
1982 interpreted tectonic map of South Australia