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RI 1 - Report of Investigations - Fluorine in South Australian Underground Waters, Ward, L.K. 1954
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At the time of the report it was recognised that high levels of fluorine in natural waters could have an impact to the health of both humans and livestock. In response to these findings Dr Keith Ward conducted investigations over a period of a number of years to determine the occurrence and distribution of fluorine in groundwaters throughout South Australia.
Compiled from Report Book 26/00062
RI 2 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of the Barossa Valley, Chugg, R.I. 1955
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This report is a detailed review of the underground water resources of the Barossa Valley, including Hundreds of Moorooroo, Belvidere, Nuriootpa, and Barossa. Its intended use was as a guide to orchardists, market gardners, and vignerons in the area interested in the availability of groundwater for irrigation.
Compiled from Report Book 38/00012
RI 3 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Jervis and Yankalilla Military Sheets (explanation of the geological maps), Campana, B. and Wilson, R.B. 1954
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This report gives a detailed account of the geology of the Cape Jervis and Yankalilla areas including the extent and nature of known mineral occurrences and groundwater resources.
Compiled from Report Book 37/00038
RI 4 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Gawler Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map), Campana, B. 1955
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These notes were the second in a series relating to the one mile Geological Atlas of the State and were a supplement as an explanation to the geological map based on the Gawler Military Sheet published in 1953.
Compiled from Report Book 38/00017
RI 5 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Serle Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map), Reyner, M.L. and Pitman, R.K. 1955
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The mapping of the Serle area was done as a consequence of the discovery of uraninite in the old copper mining district of Nichol's Nob. Detailed mapping together with an examination of all old mines in the district was completed.
Compiled from Report Book 37/00023
RI 6 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Peake and Denison Region, Reyner, M.L. 1955
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This report details a geological survey of the Peake and Denison region, covering seven one mile map sheets. The survey was primarily concerned with the search for economic mineral deposits, especially uranium. All known mineral occurrences were examined and the regional geology of the Precambrian rocks comprising the Peake and Denison Ranges lying east of the northern railway line were mapped.
RI 7 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of the Willochra Basin, O'Driscoll, E.P.D. 1955
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This report is the result of a detailed investigation into the possibility of making greater use of the Willochra Basin's underground water resources for more intensive agricultural uses. The survey determined that there were definite limitations to the use of underground water for irrigation in the vicinity of Quorn with somewhat better prospects to the south in the vicinity of Melrose and Booleroo Centre.
Compiled from Report Book 39/00060
RI 8 - Report of Investigations - The Geology and Hydrology of the Willunga Basin, Cochrane, G.W. 1956
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The hydrological survey of the Willunga Basin was completed in 1950 with the object of assessing the underground water resources of the basin, especially the deeper waters of which little was known at the time. All accessible water points were sampled and analysed and several bores were drilled at critical locations in basin which yielded valuable information on the underlying strata.
Compiled from Report Book 29/00015
RI 9 - Report of Investigations - Groundwater Resources of Part of the Onkaparinga Valley, McKellar, J.B.A. and O'Driscoll, E.P.D. 1957
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This groundwater survey covers over 80 square miles of the upper catchments of the Onkaparinga River and its tributaries. It includes the general hydrology of the district including drilling conditions to be expected for several of the rock units in the area.
Compiled from Report Book 36/00032
RI 10 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of Portion of the Great Artesian Basin, near the Peake and Denison Ranges, Chugg, R.I. 1957
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This hydrological study of part of the Great Artesian Basin was carried out concurrently with the geological mapping of the Peake and Denison region in 1953. The hydrological survey extended over the sedimentary basin rocks surrounding the ranges and included surface mapping, researching bore records, geophysical data and from previous surveys conducted over the area.
Compiled from Report Book 41/00040
RI 11 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of the Pirie-Torrens Basin, Chebotarev II 1958
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This report was prepared by Dr. Chebotarev but was modified considerably by various departmental officers. The area concerned covers a considerable range of climatic conditions and scanty rainfall and therefore the occurrence and quality of ground water in the area was particularly important. The report included hydrological tables and plans which could be used by pastoralists and farmers looking to supplement their water requirements with bore water.
Compiled from Report Book 42/00026
RI 12 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Lyndhurst and Farina Military Sheets (explanation of the geological maps), part 2 - the geology of the Farina military sheet (Reprint),Johns, R.K. 1958
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The geological field work was undertaken as an extension to the mapping of the Serle and Myrtle sheets which adjoin to the south. The Lyndhurst sheet covers the northern extremity of the Flinders Ranges and extends over margins of the Lake Eyre plains to the north. The Farina Sheet lies astride the main northern railway and includes part of the Willouran Ranges in the north western section, and part on North Flinders Ranges.
Compiled from Report Book 41/00115
RI 13 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Quorn Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map), Shepherd, R.G. and Thatcher, D. 1959
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The mapping described in this report was completed following the re-routing of the northern railway by-passing Quorn, and its purpose was to survey the potential economic mineral wealth of the district. Much valuable geological information was compiled which had an important bearing on any future geological investigations elsewhere in the state.
Compiled from Report Book 42/00017
RI 14 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of the Mount Pleasant-Angaston Area, O'Driscoll, E.P.D. and Chugg, R.I. 1959
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An assessment of the potential groundwater resources of Mount Pleasant was commenced by the Geological Survey, this survey was then extended to include nearby townships and farmland extending to Angaston. The report includes detailed records of a large number of bores and wells and is supplemented by geological data.
Compiled from Report Book 41/00074
RI 15 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of Part County Cardwell, in the Upper South-East of South Australia, Shepherd, R.G. and O'Driscoll, E.P.D. 1960
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This report describes the field work that extended over a two year period on the hydrology of part of the County of Cardwell, in the upper south east of South Australia. It included systematic recording of groundwater data in a number of observation bores constructed for this purpose.
Compiled from Report Book 49/00083
RI 16 - Report of Investigations - Exploration for Coal, Springfield Basin, Hundred of Cudla Mudla, Gordon-Cradock District, Johnson, W. 1960
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The Springfield Basin was the larger of two small basins, potential coal bearing basins discovered within Proteozoic rocks of the Adelaide System in the Flinders Ranges. Because the basin sediments were of similar age to those of the Leigh Creek Coalfield there was a possibility that the Springfield Basin may have contained economic coal deposits workable by open cut methods. Some thin seams of coal were discovered but none were of economic value.
Compiled from Report Book 49/00150
RI 17 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Mobilong Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map), Johns, R.K. and Ludbrook, N.H. 1961
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The geological mapping described in this report includes a portion of the eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, and extends across the plains of the Murray River beyond Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend. The geological features of the mapped area have been described in some detail in the Ranges to assess future possibilities for mineral bearing horizons while on the plains the groundwater resources for township use, irrigation and farming have also been summarised.
Compiled from Report Book 51/00043
RI 18 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Wakefield Military Sheet (explanation of the geological maps), Horwitz, R.C. 1961
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The Wakefield Sheet is a further contribution to the Geological Atlas one mile series of South Australia. The area is one of diverse geological interest ranging from a major overthrust structure in the older rocks, to a complex pattern of recent sediments. This regional study added to the already extensive knowledge of the stratigraphy and geological structure of South Australia but its primary objective was economic.
Compiled from Report Book 51/00093
RI 19 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Manunda Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map), Miram, R.C. 1962
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The study area covered by this report centered about 30 miles south of Yunta on the Broken Hill Railway. It was initiated with special reference to the Braemar Iron Formation on Tiverton Station. The published geological map and all mineral and groundwater occurrences in the area were presented in this report.
Compiled from Report Book 52/00009
RI 20 - Report of Investigations - Field Permeability Testing of the Murray Basin Limestone Aquifer, Wanbi Experimental Station, South Australia; O'Driscoll, E.P.D. and Crawford, G. 1962
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Due to growing interest in irrigation supplies from the main limestone aquifer and lack of reliable information on groundwater resources in the northern part of the Murray Mallee a test bore was constructed at the Wanbi Experimental Station of the Department of Agriculture. Testing of the bore was carried out by the Mines Department and all results of the testing were included in this publication.
Compiled from Report Book 51/00013
RI 21 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Arrowie Military Sheet; Horwitz, R.C. 1962
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The Arrowie Sheet was a further contribution to the Geological Atlas 1-Mile Series. It is located in the Flinders Ranges region with its eastern half spreading over Lake Frome plains. Being deficient in known mineral deposits at the time the principal interest in the area was in further understanding the stratigraphy of the older Adelaide System Rocks.
Compiled from Report Book 53/00180
RI 22 - Report of Investigations - Geology of the ALBERGA 4-Mile Military Sheet (explanation of the geological map); Coats, R.P. 1963
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The Alberga 1-Mile Sheet which lies in the far northwest portion of the state was mapped in 1953. Investigations of this and five other 4-Mile Sheets was undertaked as part of a national search for uranium minerals. Although no significant uranium mineralisation was discovered a great deal of useful mapping was accomplished and mineral discoveries were also made on an adjoining sheet
Compiled from Report Book 53/00179
RI 23 - Report of Investigations - Investigation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies, Hundreds of Carina, Chandada and Ripon, Western Eyre Peninsula; Whitten, G.F. 1963
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This report summarises regional geology and the results of geophysical surveys and drilling. Ultrabasic rocks underlie the centre of the anomalies and contain sufficient magnetite to account for each aeromagnetic anomaly and dense enough to account for each gravity anomaly. Spectographic analyses did not disclose any high concentration of any potential ore element
Compiled from Report Book 53/00157
RI 24 - Report of Investigations - Investigation of Lake Eyre; Johns, R.K.; Ludbrook, N.H. 1962
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Part 1- Deals with the sediments of the Lake Eyre Basin, evaporites and brines, their constitution and age. Part 2, Subsurface stratigraphy
Part 2 - Concerns the age of the sediments and their relationship to recognised stratigraphic units elsewhere.
RI 25 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the MANN 4-Mile Sheet (Reprint); Mirams, R.C. 1964
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The Mann 4-Mile sheet occupies the extreme northwest corner of South Australia. The area was mapped because of potential economic significances of nickel deposits occurring in Davies 1-Mile sheet area. The investigation served a useful purpose in providing the first complete account of the geology and mineral resources of the area.
Compiled from Report Book 56/00040
RI 26 - Report of Investigations - The Geology and Mineralisation of the Blinman Dome Diapir; Coats, R.P. 1964
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A number of unexplained crush zones in the Flinders Ranges were recognised in 1958 as piercement or diapiric structures. One of these, the Blinman Dome was the subject of studies by various geologists over 50 years. No satisfactory explanation for the observed features of the structure was offered until Webb and von der Borch suggested that it might be of diapiric origin. Subsequent work by Coates confirmed this view, the results of his investigations were set out in this report.
Compiled from Report Book 57/00040
RI 27 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrology of the Frome Embayment in South Australia; Ker, D.S. 1966
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This hydrological review was completed in 1961 as part of a greater hydrological survey of the Great Artesian Basin. The survey included a review of all available hydrological data and sampling all existing wells, bores and springs for full chemical analyses.
RI 28 - Report of Investigations - Geology of the MARREE 1:250 000 Map Area; Forbes, B.G. 1966
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The Marree 1:250 000 map area was of interest because of its location at the edge of the Great Artesian Basin, a known source of petroleum and natural gas. Geological mapping was carried out between 1962 and 1964 with the main contribution of the map is to the delineation and classification of the marginal Great Artesian Basin sediments.
RI 29 - Report of Investigations - S.A.G. Fortville No 3 Well Completion Report; Cornish, B.E. and Wopfner, H. 1967
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SA Government Fortville No 3 was drilled as a combined water and stratigraphic well. It is located about 16 kilometres southwest of the tri-state corner of South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. Drilling was completed on the 12th of May 1964 to a total depth of 3610 feet(1100 metres)
RI 30 - Report of Investigations - The Construction Sand Industry in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area; Weir, L.J. and Olliver, J.G. 1968
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The demand for construction sand within the metropolitan area of Adelaide has increased significantly over the past 20 years. The purpose of this investigation was to study the supply and availability of construction sand for the Adelaide metropolitan area.
This report is a compilation of all available information on sand deposits within a 50 mile radius of Adelaide. It has also entailed visits to most plants and deposits described within the report.
RI 31 - Report of Investigations - Investigation of Lakes Torrens and Gairdner; Johns, R.K. 1968
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This report investigates the nature of lake sediments and their contained brines in the arid regions of the state. Drilling was initiated at Lake Torrens in 1960 but due to adverse rains, attention was diverted to Lake Eyre. Results of the trial drilling with observations on the geological settings for both Lakes is incorporated into this report.
RI 32 - Report of Investigations - A Ground Magnetic and Gravity Survey of the Warramboo Aeromagnetic Anomaly, Central Eyre Peninsula; Risely, B.G. and Whitten, G.F. 1969
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This report details an investigation of the Warramboo Aeromagnetic Anomaly, central Eyre Peninsula. The investigation was part of a State wide study of potential iron ore deposits outside of the established deposits of the Middleback Ranges. The investigation commenced in 1960 with ground geophysical surveys followed by drilling.
RI 33 - Report of Investigations - The Investigation and Exploitation of the Razorback Ridge Iron Deposit; Whitten, G.F. 1970
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This report details an investigation into the iron ore potential of the Olary Province. The focus was the area south of the Broken Hill railway line and assessment of the Braemar Iron Formation. Regional and detailed mapping indicated that the Razorback Ridge deposit in the southeast corner of Tiverton Station was the largest outcrop.
RI 34 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Cultana 1:63 360 Map Area; Crawford, A.R. and Forbes, B.G. 1969
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This report describes the geology of the Cultana 1-mile map area which covers the northern end of the Spencer Gulf. The report was prepared concurrently with the geological mapping of the Cultana map sheet which was published in 1964.
RI 35 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the Beltana 1:63 360 Map Area; Leeson, B. 1970
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This report describes the geology of the Beltana 1 mile map sheet which extends from Lake Torrens eastward to the edge of the Flinders Ranges, a few miles south of Leigh Creek. Mapping of this area was carried out by L.G Nixon from 1961 to 1963 with the geological map being published in 1966.
RI 36 - Report of Investigations - The Geology of the ORROROO 1:250 000 Map Area; Binks, P.J. 1970
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This report describes the geology of the Orroroo 1:250,000 map sheet area. The mapped area extends over about 6,000 square miles, from Peterborough northwards to Hawker and from Quorn in the west of the Flinders Ranges to Yunta on the Broken Hill railway line.
RI 37 - Report of Investigations - Base metal occurrences in the Lower Cambrian sediments of the Northern Flinders Ranges; Johns, R.K. 1972
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This report describes the results of exploration activities by a number of mining companies during the years 1965 to 1969. The exploration work was carried out under conditions prevailing for Special Mining Leases which was held as confidential within the department. This report brings together these company reports and includes results of various geophysical, geochemical and drilling investigations which would be of interest in future exploration work in the area.
RI 38 - Report of Investigations - Tertiary Stratigraphy of Three Deep Bores in the Waikerie area of the Murray Basin; Bonnett, J.E. and Lindsay, J.M. 1973
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Three observation bores were drilled within 1.5km of each other approximately 4km south-west from Waikerie. Depth ranged from 235 to 329m, substantially deeper than all othe bores in the area, and all Tertiary epochs are represented. The stratigraphic value of the drilling is enhanced by 49 tube cores which provide uncontaminated samples of all pre-Pliocene formations. Palaeontological and palynological examinations have enabled construction of a detailed stratigraphic column from Quaternary to Palaeocene.
Compiled from RB 71/00055
RI 39 - Report of Investigations - Regional Stratigraphy of Surficial Deposits in the Murray Basin and Gambier Embayment; Firman, J.B. 1973
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This report deals with regional stratigraphy of surficial deposits in the Murray Basin and adjoining Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basin. The sediments described range from shallow marine, lake and stream deposits, to continental type accumulations of sands silts due to wind action. Surficial deposits of the Murray Basin and Gambier Embayment are surprisingly widespread, and effectively mask most older formations of the region
RI 40 - Report of Investigations - South Australian Department of Mines Cootanoorina No 1 Well; Allchurch, P.D.; Wopfner, H.; Harris, W.K.; McGowran, B. 1973
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The Cootanoorina No 1 well was drilled by the Mines Department to establish the stratigraphic sequence in the Arckaringa Basin, and to assist interpretation of seismic surveys in an area where the potentially petroleum prospective Palaezoic sediments were effectively concealed beneath marginal Mesozoic rocks of the Great Artesian Basin. The discovery of sediments of Devonian age, containing porous sections with traces of hydrocarbons, considerably enhances the petroleum potential of the Arkaringa Sub-Basin and the adjoining Boorthanna Trough.
RI 41 - Report of Investigations - Hydrocarbon potential of western Murray Basin and Infrabasins; Thornton, R.C.N. 1974
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The Murray Basin is a shallow, saucer-shaped Tertiary basin covering an area of 120 700 square miles extending from the western foot of the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales and Victoria to the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia. Geophysical work has shown that deeper, pre-Tertiary basins, filled with (?) Devonian, Permian and Cretaceous deposits, exist in the Renmark area near the Tri-State corner. The major structural features of the Renmark area comprise the north-east trending Renmark and Tararra Troughs, occurring en echelon. Situated to the west of the Renmark Trough is the Canegrass Lobe, and to the east the Paringa Embayment. The Renmark Trough, which has a maximum depth, on seismic evidence, of about 11 500 feet, is a half-graben at its southern end, being separated from the Canegrass Lobe by the Hamley Fault. In the north, it is a graben, with the north trending Chowilla Fault forming its eastern margin. The Tararra Trough may also be a half graben, but it is not so deep. The Canegrass Lobe is a basinal feature in excess of 4 000 feet deep, while the Paringa Embayment is an uplifted area containing sinuous ridges and valleys cut into basement. This fossil drainage system has a marked gradient towards the Renmark Trough. The twelve wells drilled in the search for petroleum have been unsuccessful, and only traces of hydrocarbons have been discovered so far. However, there are many good reservoir sands in the section from the (?) Devonian, Lower Permian and, most importantly, the Lower Cretaceous Basal Sand. But there is still a need to find suitable source rocks, the most promising target being the Lower Permian
RI 42 - Report of Investigations - Base Metal Mineralisation of the Pernatty Lagoon Region; Johns, R.K. 1974
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This report describes base metal mineralisation in the Pernatty Lagon area of South Australia. Continued interest in the area led to significant investigations by mining companies in the mid sixties. This report is based on these company reports and is valuable in presenting current geological concepts and theories of ore genesis and controls in the region for the benefit of the mineral industry generally.
RI 43 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrogeology of the Gidgealpa Formation of the Western and Central Cooper Basin; Youngs, B.C. 1975
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A study of the chemical aspects of Permian and Mesozoic formation waters has enabled the zones of flushing of Permian sediments by artesian waters to be clearly delineated. It has been proved that complete flushing has taken place in the southern areas of the basin where the absence of the Triassic caprock allows hydraulic interconnection between the Permian and artesian aquifers. A limited amount of flushing in the Upper Permian only has occurred in those areas close to the Triassic subcrop limits. There appears to be a possible correlation between the degree of flushing and the type of hydrocarbon production, but the present study is insufficient to achieve predictability. The lack of reliable pressure data has prohibited an equally useful potentiometric study from being made to try to explain the water movement patterns, and hence possible hydrocarbon accumulations, within the Basin.
RI 44 - Report of Investigations - The Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Pedirka Basin; Youngs, B.C. 1975
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The Pedirka Basin is one of several Permian infrabasins lying beneath the Great Artesian Basin. Similarities between the sediments of the Pedirka Basin and the Cooper Basin is the basis for hydrocarbon search described in this report. While no hydrocarbons were detected in the six exploration wells drilled, a large area was still unexplored. These areas include interesting structures and potential reservoir formation which can be expected to lead to further exploration work.
RI 45 - Report of Investigations - Stratigraphic Drilling in the Arckaringa Basin 1969-1971; Townsend, I.J.1976
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The South Australian Department of Mines drilled seven stratigraphic wells between 1969 and 1971 in the Arckaringa Basin. This study presents the stratigraphic information obtained and attempts to collate all available information in a synthesis of the Arckaringa Basin geology
RI 46 - Report of Investigations - A Regional Interpretation of 1:1 000 000 Gravity and Aeromagnetic Maps of the Great Artesian Basin in South Australia; Milton, B.E. and Morony, G.K. 1975
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This report details a regional interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic maps of the Great Artesian Basin in South Australia. The nature of the relatively flat lying sediments of the Great Artesian Basin has resulted in a lack of surface expression of its geological features. The maps accompanying this report provide the most complete compilatation of data for interpretation of subsurface stratigraphy and structure currently obtainable.
RI 47 - Proterozoic stromatolites from the Nabberu and Officer Basins, Western Australia, and their biostratigraphic significance; Preiss, W.V. 1976
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The materials described in this report were collected in 1972 by field parties from Bureau of Mineral Resources and the Geological Survey of Western Australia. Subsequent study of these stromatolites was undertaken by Dr. Preiss of the Geological Survey of South Australia. From this study, new forms of previously known stromatolites have been recognised, and new data on their structure and distribution in both space and time have been established.
RI 48 - The Hydrogeology of the Mount Gambier area; Waterhouse, J.D. 1977
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This report details an investigation into the hydrology of Mount Gambier by John Waterhouse. Data was obtained from a large number of observation wells, many drilled by the Mines Department. There are two main aquifer systems, an upper unconfined aquifer, the Gambier Limestone and a deeper confined aquifer, the Knight Group.
RI 49 - Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation of the Brighton Limestone south of Adelaide and its equivalent in the Orroroo region; Preiss, W.V. and Kinsman, J.E. 1977
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This report by W. Preiss and J. Kinsman provides details on the stratigraphy of the Brighton Limestone, a late Precambrian carbonate formation occurring near Adelaide, and the environments of sedimentation that it represents. The Brighton Limestone has been of both scientific and commercial interest since the turn of the century. Because of its proximity to Adelaide, it has been a valuable source of limestone for aggregate and cement manufacture and some of the quarries south of Adelaide also provide excellent exposures for detailed studies.
RI 50 - Eocene to Miocene Stratigraphy of the Willunga Embayment; Cooper, B.J. 1979
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The coastal cliffs of the Willunga Embayment between Maslin Beach and Sellick Beach have for more than a century been a reference section for Tertiary strata in South Australia. The underground waters of the area, used mainly for irrigation, and the sand deposits quarried along its northern margin, are important natural resources whose distribution and availability need to be better understood. In order to monitor the underground waters the Department drilled a series of observation water wells in the Willunga Embayment between 1974 and 1976. Dr Cooper's report includes descriptions and interpretations of the fossiliferous strata cut by these and other boreholes, providing a firm stratigraphic basis for hydrogeology and other resource studies.
RI 51 - Report of Investigations - Andamooka Opal Fields: The Geology of the Precious Stones Field and the Results of the Subsidised Mining Program; Carr, S.G.; Olliver, J.G.; Conor, C.H.H.; Scott, D.C. 1979
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Since discovery of the opal field in 1930, Andamooka, 640 km by road north of Adelaide, has been a major world producer of precious opal.
All workable opal at Andamooka has been found in the Marree Formation, a sequence of marine sediments of Cretaceous age. No gem quality opal has been discovered to date in younger Tertiary sediments nor in the older Jurassic, Cambrian or Precambrian rocks.
The opal has formed within a bleached profile at the interface of a white, sandy clay (kopi), and an underlying, impermeable, grey-brown montmorillonitic clay or mud near the base of the Marree Formation. Generally, this interface, or level, is marked by a pebble or conglomerate layer. Precious opal has accumulated in suitable crevices or has been trapped by permeability barriers.
RI 52 - Report of Investigations - Geological Investigations: Tarcoola-Alice Springs Railway; McNally, G.H. 1980
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Geological investigations for the Tarcoola-Alice Springs Railway were carried out by the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy between 1970 and 1976. Their object was to locate ballast quarries, groundwater supplies, suitable soils for embankments, sand and gravel for concrete, and to investigate foundation conditions at bridge sites.
RI 53 - Report of Investigations - The Hydrogeology of the Hindmarsh Tiers and Myponga Basins; Furness, L.J.; Waterhouse, J.D.; Edwards, D.R. 1981
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Two small groundwater basins in the southern Mount Lofty Ranges, the Hindmarsh Tiers and Myponga Basins, have been utilised for intensive pasture irrigation. The possibility of the resource being of a limited nature made it necessary to investigate the hydrogeology of the basins. This report discusses the hydrological assessments of both basins.
RI 54 - Report of Investigations - Engineering Geology of the Little Para Dam; Boucaut, W.R.P. and Beal, J.C. 1984
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Details a comprehensive investigation for constructing a decked rock fill dam, 53 metres high, impounding a reservoir of 21000 ML capacity. The report also includes discussion of the suitability of the proposed quarry and water treatment works site, and the spillway and spillway discharge site. The dam is founded on quartzite and dolomitic siltstone.
RI 55 - Report of Investigations - Groundwater Resources of the Barossa Valley (Reprint); Cobb, M.A. 1986
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The Barossa Valley in South Australia is the second largest single area in Australia planted to vines. About 8600 ha are currently planted, of which about 2400 ha are irrigated. Smaller areas of irrigated vegetables and fruit trees also exist. Irrigation water is mainly groundwater which is also used in several wineries for washing and cooling purposes. Groundwater withdrawal during 1979 was estimated to be 1.6 million cubic metres.
Groundwater is stored in a complex series of sediments of Cainozoic age. The aquifers are sands and gravels occupying an asymmetric trough, fault controlled, and the maximum thickness of sediments is approximately 140 metres. The complex fluviatile, deltaic and lacustrine depositional environment is reflected in rapid lateral and vertical facies changes, making aquifer definition difficult.
The North Para River and its tributaries traverse the Valley floor and are important, depending on location, either as sources of recharge or as groundwater drains. Water quality in the North Para River is of marginal to poor quality except during peak flow, whereas the Tanunda and Jacob Creeks are of much better quality.
RI 56 - Report of Investigations - Geology of the Coober Pedy Precious Stones Field: Results of Investigations 1981-86 (Reprint); Robertson, R.S. and Scott, D.C. 1990
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The Coober Pedy Opal Fields, since their discovery in 1915, have been the largest producer of precious opal in the world, with the estimated value of production over the period 1978-86 averaging $25 million per year. Mining is now done mainly by mechanized methods in underground workings, since most of the older, shallower fields have been worked out.
Opal is found in the Early Cretaceous marine Bulldog Shale, deposited on the western margin of the Great Australian (Eromanga) Basin. When fresh, the shale is a dark grey, silty and sandy, smectite-rich claystone with lenses of sand, limestone and occasional erratic boulders.
RI 57 - Report of Investigations - Cambrian Sediment-Hosted Exhalative Base Metal Mineralisation, Kanmantoo Trough, South Australia; Toteff, S. 1999
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A deformed and metamorphosed succession of sandstone, greywacke, siltstone and shale which accumulated in the Early Cambrian Kanmantoo Trough hosts a number of exhalative base and precious metal deposits. This sequence is apparently devoid of volcanics, although minor mafic tuffs occur just below the base of the Kanmantoo Group, a few thousand metres stratigraphically below the deposits. Copper mineralisation at the Kanmantoo Mine occurs as feeders to overlying exhalative Cu-Au mineralisation associated with banded iron formation (BIF) and garnet-quartz rock and relatively proximal Pb-Zn mineralisation with accompanying garnet, gahnite and local staurolite.