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Mining Review No. 1
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Articles include:
Copper: Paramatta and Yelta mines; Burra Mine; Kapunda mine
Gold: the most important gold-mining district during the past year has been the north west, which includes Tarcoola; the Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory
Other minerals include: Phosphate, silver-lead, cobalt, rutile, coal (Leigh Creek mine) salt graphite, ironstone and limestone flux, tourmaline
Mining Review No. 2
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Articles include reports on:
Copper: Wallaroo and Moonta, Paramatta and Yelta, Hamley, Blinman, Burra Burra; Kapunda, Prince Alfred, Lynda, Mutooroo , Paull's, Clara St. Dora and Mount Fitton South Mines,
Gold: Tarcoola, Petersburg Mount Torrens, Arltunga (Macdonnell Ranges), Northern Territory
Other Minerals Include: Phosphate, Silver-Lead, Cobalt, Rutile, Salt, Ironstone and Limestone Flux, Tourmaline, Lake Phillipson Bore, Vannadium, Opal
Mining Review No. 3
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Articles and summaries are provided for the following:
Copper: Wallaroo and Moonta, Paramatta and Yelta, Hamley, Moonta, Blinman, Burra Burra, Kapunda, Sweet Nell (North-West), Mount Gunson (North-West), Prince Alfred, Lynda Mines
Gold: Mount Torrens, Peterborough, Tarcoola, Glenloth Arltunga (N.T.) Batteries
Salt, Rutile, Molybdite, Phosphate, Quarries, Ironstone and Limestone Flux, Tourmaline, Diamond Drill, Mount Pleasant Bore, Lake Phillipson Bore
Mining Review No. 4
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Articles and summaries are provided for the following:
Wallaroo and Moonta mines.
Report on Mount Malvern lead and silver mine.
Report on the Mutooroo copper mine.
West Mutooroo (formerly Cockburn Copper Mining Coy).
West Mutooroo extended, Trinity copper mine and Mutooroo Consols.
West Burra copper mine.
Report on the Federal gold mine.
Salt and gypsum and natural whiting, Yorke Peninsula.
Olivaster silver lead mine.
Boring operations (during the year ended June 30th, 1905).
Mining Review No. 5
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Articles and summaries are provided for the following:Copper: Wallaroo and Moonta, Paramatta and Yelta, Hamley, Burra Burra, Kapunda, Blinman, Mount Gunson (North-West), Prince Alfred MinesGold: Kings Bluff. Mount Torrens, Peterborough, Tarcoola, Glenloth Arltunga (N.T.) Batteries Coal (Noarlunga), Nitrates, Carnotite, Salt, Phosphate
Mining Review No. 6
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Articles and summaries are provided for the following: Copper: Wallaroo and Moonta, Paramatta and Yelta, Hamley, Burra Burra, Kapunda, Blinman, Mount Gunson (North-West), Paull’s Consolidated Gold: Mount Torrens, Peterborough, Tarcoola, Glenloth Arltunga (N.T.) BatteriesCarnotite, Salt, Phosphate, Monazite, Corundum
Mining Review No. 7
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 8
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Mount Malvern Silver Lead Company.
Paringa (and West Kanmantoo) copper mine.
Mount Emily copper mine.
Lady Leeman copper mine.
Anderson's claim.
Queen Bee copper mine.
Mountain of Light.
Matheson claim.
Ochre deposit.
Mutooroo copper mine.
Mutooroo Consols copper mine.
Mutooroo West copper mine.
King's Bluff gold mine.
Western River silver lead mine.
Kohinoor gold mine.
Warrakimbo copper mine.
Wallaroo Extended copper mine.
Wallaroo Extended copper mine.
Gordon Reward gold mine.
Pioneer gold mine.
Currency Creek copper mine.
Wood's mine.
Parara copper mine.
Wheal Ellen silver lead mine.
Ajax mine.
Hooper Brothers copper mine.
Mount Grainger, Medora and Dustholes gold mine.
Dustholes gold mine.
Ochre mine at Oodla Wirra.
Poona copper mine.
Government boring operations (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1908).
Mining Review No. 9
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Wallaroo and Moonta mines. Report of the directors and record of mines 1908.
Mount Malvern silver lead mine.
Tower Hill copper mine.
Douglas claim.
Claim near Avondale (silver and lead).
Little Wonder.
Wild Dog mine.
Avondale silver and lead mine.
Blue Mount copper mine.
Red oxide.
White Lead.
Last Chance.
Leases adjoining Mount Lyndhurst mine westward.
Great Mount Lyndhurst mine.
Mount Burr copper mine.
Lynda copper mine.
Leslie's Well.
Benalack's copper mine.
Mount Pelee.
Paull North.
Broken Range copper mine.
Phil Ma Cool copper mine.
South Creek copper mine.
Paull's Consolidated copper mine.
Mount McDonnell.
Blue mine.
Mineral claims, 2 miles west from Yudnamutana.
Mineral claim 1 mile SE of Red Bluff.
Willigun copper mine.
Shamrock copper mine.
Grand Junction copper mine.
Union Consolidated copper mIne.
Cockscomb copper mine.
Wealthy King copper mine.
Black Queen copper mine.
Golden Pole (also known as Paralana Brindina mine).
Mineral Claim number 8171, 2.5 miles east of Mount Shanahan.
Standby copper mine (Stanley).
Hamilton copper mine.
Mount Fitton South copper mine.
Parabarana copper mine.
Gow's copper mine.
Pinnacles copper mine.
Mount Shanahan copper mine.
Warner's claim.
Elsie Adair copper mine.
Claim 1 mile west of Diamond Jubilee copper mine.
Copper King mine.
Mount Bayly copper mine.
Mount Coffin copper mine.
Ajax copper mine.
Lady Millicent copper mine (formerly North Mocatoona).
Workings near Copper King.
Mineral Claim number 8505, near Copper King.
Mineral Claim numbers 8440 and 8441, near Copper King.
Warrioota copper mine.
Angepena Treasure mine.
Boulder Block copper mine.
Copper Queen.
Peer Mahomer's mine.
Mocatoona copper mine.
Claim west of Angepena Treasure.
Claim 1 mile east of Old Angepena Station.
Ediacara silver lead mine.
Claim adjoining Ediacara.
Black Eagle copper mine.
Four Mile claim, 4 miles south of Beltana.
Tarcoola Blocks gold mine.
Glenloth Goldfield.
Hamley copper mine.
Dunn's Homeward Bound gold mine.
Klondyke gold mine.
Cockburn copper mine.
Poona copper mine.
China Stone and Clay Company.
Government boring operations (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1908).
Additional notes on South Australian phosphate deposits.
Cockburn Copper Mining Company (Mutooroo West).
Cutana copper mine.
Winklers silver lead show.
Queen Bee mine.
Cooke's cobalt mine.
Bimba Hill (Mount Howden and Rangoon).
Mary mine.
King's Bluff mine.
Nil Desperandum (Meyer's claim).
Riddle's claim.
Mount Grainger.
Lyndhurst, South Australia, Copper Company (Daly mine).
Koske's claim.
Diamond Jubilee.
Wandilta mine.
Mining Review No. 10
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Commodore mine (formerly Prince Albert).
Lux mine.
Gunyah copper mine.
Gun copper mine.
Mount Gunson copper mine.
Mineral Claims numbers 8524 and 8523 (near King's Bluff).
Claim 1/2 mile north of King's Bluff gold mine.
King's Bluff gold mine.
Monazite show, King's Bluff.
Cutana copper mine.
Spanish American gold mine.
Anabama copper mine.
Nil Desperandum.
Trinity copper mine.
Mutooroo copper mine.
Queen Bee mine.
Winckler's silver lead mine.
Uncle Tom silver lead mine.
Lux gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Nectar gold mine.
Yorke Valley copper mine.
Great Southern silver lead mine.
Warra Warra mine.
Copper King mine.
Warrioota copper mine.
Arkey Warren copper mine.
Copper Queen mine.
Black Eagle copper mine.
J.P. Hill's claim.
Nuccaleena copper mine.
Harvey's Return.
Warra Warra West.
Holmes claim.
O'Donnell's claim.
Matheson's claim.
Mountain of Light copper mine.
Wild Dog mine.
Green Hill mine.
Poona copper mine.
Victory copper mine.
Mount Burr copper mine.
Belalie copper mine (formerly Wheal Sarah).
Hamley copper mine.
Appealina copper mine.
Government boring operations (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1909).
Half-yearly report of mining operations on the Wandilta Government mine at Kadina (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1909).
Day Spring, near Kersbrook.
Mary or Benowrie mine.
Inspection in connection with proposed smelters at Beltana.
Mining Review No. 11
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on boring operations - Kadina mine Copper Hill.
Virtue gold mine.
Ajax mine.
Scothman and Ironclad gold mine.
Rapid Bay (Yatagolinga) copper mine.
Kirkeek's Treasure gold mine.
Glamorgan (Alma Extended) mine.
Flinders copper mine.
Iron Mount mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Homeward Bound.
Nectar gold mines.
Commodore silver lead mine.
No Gammon gold mine.
Hooper and Boxer gold mine.
Ding-Dong copper mine.
Poona copper mine.
Tumby Bay (Wheal Bessie) copper mine.
Graphite mine.
Yelta copper mine.
Oodla Wirra ochre mine.
Onkaparinga Dredging and Mining Company (formerly Stiring Reef).
Walparuta copper mine.
Wheal Ellen mine.
Paringa copper mine.
Carnotite - Radium Hill mine.
Report on boring operations (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1909).
Mining Review No. 12
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Belalie (Wheal Sarah, Bundaleer) copper mine.
Black Eagle copper mine.
Calcookra copper mine.
Ediacara silver lead mine.
Leigh's Creek coal mine.
Miltalie copper and silver lead mine.
Mount Millar silver lead mine.
Union Consolidated Smelting and Mining Company, Yudnamutana.
Yalpoodnie copper and lead mine.
Report on boring operations (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1910).
Wandilta mine.
Mining Review No. 13
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Warra Warra copper mine.
Warra Warra West copper mine.
Gordon Reward mine.
Eveline copper mine.
Australian silver lead mine.
Broken Range silver lead and zinc mine.
Willunga mercury mine.
Copperlinka gold mine.
Mount Grainger gold mine.
Dustholes gold mine.
Kitticoola gold mine.
Deloraine gold mine.
Kanappa copper mine.
Mount Fitton South copper mine.
Windy Creek copper mine.
Benalack copper mine.
Black Eagle copper mine.
Paull's Consolidated copper mine.
Phil-Ma-Cool copper mine.
Belliak copper mine.
Diamond Jubilee copper mine.
Ediacara silver lead mine.
Mount Coffin copper mine.
Mountain of Light.
Green Rock copper mine.
Report on boring operations (during the half-year ended December 31st 1910).
Wandilta mine.
Reports on the geology of the country south and east of the Murray River, with special reference to the sub-terranean water supply in wells and bores along the Pinnaroo and Bordertown railway.
Brown coal on section 53, Hundred Sherlock.
Cambrian limestone for ornamental purposes at Parachilna.
Myponga mercury discovery.
Kangaroo Island china stone and clay deposits.
Hamley copper mine.
King's Bluff mine.
Wild Dog mine.
Mining Review No. 14
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Mount Remarkable copper mine.
Boring operations at Leigh Creek (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1911).
Boring operations at Rapid Bay (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1911).
Report on drainage of portion of the South-Eastern district by means of bores and shafts.
Willunga slate quarries.
Analysis of core from bore number 3 - Leigh Creek coal mine.
Wandilta mine.
Few ideas re the proposed scheme of development of some of our natural mineral resources.
Willunga quicksilver mines.
Belalie copper mine.
Kitticoola gold mine.
Lady Alice gold mine.
Gordon Reward gold and rutile mine.
Glamorgan (Alma Extended) gold mine.
Ajax gold mine.
Union Jack gold mine.
King's Bluff gold mine.
Radium Hill mine.
Copperlinka gold mine.
Lux gold mine.
Cutana copper mine.
Winkler's copper mine.
Mutooroo copper mine.
Mutooroo West copper mine.
Perseverance (Winklers) silver lead mine.
Lykke Viking (Scotchman and Ironclad) gold mine.
Faugh-A-Ballagh copper mine.
Uncle Tom silver-lead mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Virginia gold mine.
Hecla (Walparuta) copper mine.
Golden Record gold mine.
Ochre mine (near Oodla Wirra).
Dustholes gold mine.
New Mount Grainger and Medora gold mine.
Wandilta copper mine.
Tumby Bay copper mine.
Pioneer gold mine.
Mining Review No. 15
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Boring operations at the Wallaroo Extended mine, Kadina (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1911).
Boring operations at Rapid Bay (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1911).
Wandilta mine.
Paramatta and Yelta mines.
Boomerang gold mine.
Bonnie Keith gold mine.
Cornwall copper mine.
Copperlinka gold mine.
Copper Queen mine.
Calcookra copper mine.
Dustholes gold mine.
Deloraine gold mine.
Golden Gate gold mine.
Great Eastern gold mine.
Deloraine Blocks gold mine.
John Snell's copper mine.
Golden Record gold mine.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Kitticoola gold mine.
King's Bluff gold mine.
Lady Mary copper mine.
Kirkeek Treasure gold mine.
Lykke Viking gold mine.
Miltalie copper and silver lead mine.
New Medora and Mount Grainger gold mine.
Queen May gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Radium Hill mine.
Radium Hill North mine.
Ruby Oxide copper mine.
Radium South mine.
Dorothy tin show.
Virginia gold mine.
Uncle Tom silver lead mine.
Wandilta copper mine.
Westward Ho gold mine.
Coronation Wolfram Blocks mine.
Mining Review No. 16
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following: Yelta mine/Wandilta mine (2 detailed geological reports).
Mine inspection reports, Wandilta mine 1908-1912.
Reports on boring operations at the Wallaroo Extended mine, Kadina and the Yelta mine, Moonta (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1912).
Boring operations at Rapid Bay (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1912).Boring operations at Leigh Creek (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1912).
Yelta mine.
Wandilta mine.
Paramatta and Yelta mines.
Wandilta mine.
Chiastolite or luck stone - A popular amulet or charm stone found in South Australia.
Bullion mine.
Montacute gold and copper mine.
Young Bullfinch (Hynes Reef) gold mine.
Deloraine gold mine.
Kitticoola gold mine.
Ajax gold mine.
New Medora and Mount Grainger gold mine.
Dustholes gold mine.
Mountain of Light copper mine.
Aclare silver lead mine.
Hamley copper mine.
Wild Dog copper mine.
Mount Coffin copper mine.
Beltana Rapid Ore Treatment Syndicate's mine (formerly Copper Queen).
Black Eagle copper mine.
Boulder Block copper mine.
Six Mile copper claim.
Walter's copper mine.
Asbestos mine.
C.A. Ruedeger's asbestos show.
Utica copper mine.
Mining Review No. 17
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Mount Lyell Consols copper mine.
Robertstown-Bright silver lead mine.
Dustholes gold mine.
Report on boring operations at the Yelta mine, Moonta (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1912).
Boring operations at Leigh Creek (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1912).
Paramatta and Yelta copper mines.
Mount Bessemer iron mine.
Mount Painter district.
Report on silver discovery, section 5 Hundred Miltalie.
New Mount Grainger and Medora gold mine.
Kitticoola gold mine.
Tarcoola and Glenloth Goldfields.
Glenmarkie gold mine.
Morning Star gold mine.
Perseverance gold mine.
Tarcoola Blocks gold mine.
Day Dawn (Warrigal East) gold mine.
Ediacara silver-lead mine.
Beltana Rapid Ore Treatment mine.
Kanmantoo copper mine.
Bumbumbie Hill gold mine.
Wallaroo mines.
Kirkeek Treasure gold mine.
H. Darley's mineral claim.
Ochre mine.
Langsford mineral claim (formerly Laura Syndicate).
Mining Review No. 18
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on boring operations at the Yelta mine, Moonta (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1913).
Report on boring operations at Leigh Creek and Waukaringa (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1913).
Paramatta and Yelta copper mines.
Moonta mine.
Hamley copper mine.
Cowell silver find.
McNamara's mineral claims.
Smith and Atkinson's mineral claims.
Marowie mine.
Old Paul ccpper mine.
Miltalie silver-lead and copper mine.
Yalpoodnie copper and lead mine.
Mount Millar silver lead mine.
Fairbank's mineral claims.
Calcookra copper mine.
Strathalbyn copper and silver lead mine.
West Burra copper mine.
Mount Malvern silver lead mine.
Utica copper mine.
Ediacara silver-lead mine.
Beltana Rapid Ore Treatment mine.
Queen Mary gold mine.
Mineral Claim Number 9493.
Only a Dream gold mine.
Radium Hill mine.
SA Radium Proprietary mine.
Rare Metals Proprietary mine.
Kings Bluff gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Homeward Bound (Wanda) gold mine.
Golden Record gold mine.
Victoria Tower gold mine.
Virginia gold mine.
Perseverance (Winklers) mine.
Boomerang gold mine.
Taven-Core (Lykke Viking) gold mine.
Mining Review No. 19
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on boring operations at the Yelta mine, Moonta (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1913).
Report on boring operations at the Ajax mine, near Waukaringa (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1913).
Radium Hill mining field.
Report on the Deloraine Gold Mines, NL.
Alunite in South Australia.
Report on the Kitticoola mine, Hundred of Tungkillo.
Prince Albert copper mine.
Hermann's mineral claim.
Ajax gold mine.
Langsford mineral claim.
Blackfellow's Reef gold mine.
Kirkeek's Treasure gold mine.
Great Lionel gold mine.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Virginia gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Watkins mineral claim.
New Medora and Mount Grainger gold mine.
Golden Junction gold mine.
Queen Mary gold mine.
Only a Dream gold mine.
Golden Record gold mine.
Robertstown-Bright silver lead mine.
Blinman copper mine.
Paull's Consolidated copper mine.
Diamond Jubilee copper mine.
Mount Coffin copper mine.
Dorris Fabian copper mine.
Benalack copper mine.
Utica copper mine.
West Burra copper mine.
Belalie (Wheal Sarah, Bundaleer) copper mine.
Black Eagle copper mine.
Beltana Rapid Ore Treatment mine (Copper Queen).
Calcookra copper mine.
Cowell silver find (Block no. 9467).
Elson silver lead mine.
Mining Review No. 20
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Homeward Bound gold mine.
New Year Gift copper and cobalt mine.
South Australian Radium Proprietary mine.
Rare Metals Proprietary radium mine.
Perseverance silver lead mine.
Langford's mineral claim.
Cowell silver lead mine.
Elson silver lead mine.
Graphite show.
Larkin's Find.
Miltalie silver-lead copper mine.
Boring operations at the Yelta and Poona mines, Moonta (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1914).
Boring operations at the Ajax mine, near Waukaringa and the Paradise Coal Company's property, near Highbury (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1914).
Flagstone quarries at Mintaro.
Report on recent prospecting operations in the vicinity of Tumby Bay.
Radium Extraction Company's mine at Mount Painter.
Report on the core obtained from the Paradise Coal Mining Company's property near Highbury.
Reports on copper deposits of Pernatty Copper Syndicate.
West Burra copper mine.
Utica copper mine.
Hamley copper mine.
Golden Junction gold mine.
Darley Day Dawn gold mine.
Great Eastern gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Golden Record gold mine.
Virginia gold mine.
Radium Hill mine.
Mining Review No. 21
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
South Australia. Department of Mines
Abstract: includes articles on the following:
Boring operations at the Calccokra mine, near Franklin Harbor (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1914).
Alunite discovery on section 310, Hundred Napperby.
Olivaster silver lead mine.
Robertstown Bright silver lead mine.
Edelweiss copper mine.
St Elmo mine.
West Burra copper mine.
Utica copper mine.
Hamley copper mine.
Cowell silver lead mine.
Calcookra copper mine.
Mining Review No. 22
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Lithological logs - Bingo mine - Government boring operations - Wallaroo central mine, MR 6 p.22, 1907.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Thunder Queen mine.
Boring operations at the Poona and Mattapara mines 1914-1915 (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1915).
Boring operations at the Calcookra and Miltalie mines near Franklin Harbor (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1915).
West Burra copper mine.
Martin Glynn's claim.
Nuccaleena copper mine.
Blinman copper mine.
Williams silver lead mine.
Niltibury (Ivy Queen) mine.
Black Eagle copper mine.
Nichol's Nob copper mine.
Copper Queen mine.
Mount Coffin copper mine.
Elsie Adair copper mine.
Diamond Jubilee copper mine.
Paull's Consolidated copper mine.
Dorris Fabian copper mine.
Utica copper mine.
Mount Malvern silver lead mine.
Federal gold mine.
Kanmantoo copper mine.
Gibraltar pyritic mine.
Golden Junction gold mine.
Buttermuc Government Well.
Junction gold mine.
Myrtle (Dustholes) gold mine.
Myrtle Extended gold claim.
McCullums gold claims.
Maltese Cross ochre mine.
Commonwealth gold mine.
Clayton Evan gold mine.
Great Eastern gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Virginia gold mine.
Lively's claim, Wadnaminga Goldfield.
Golden Record gold mine.
Majorie copper mine.
Sugarloaf mine.
Poonana silver lead and copper mine.
Miltalie silver lead mine.
Cowell Consolidated silver lead mine.
Mining Review No. 23
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Wandilta mine and government boring operations 1907-1911 - MR 6-13 inclusive.
Dorris Fabian copper mine.
Bluff silver lead mine.
Mount Grainger gold mine.
Report on the Great Northern Eclipse Proprietary, gold and silver mine (formerly known as the British Empire mine).
Reports on boring operations at the Wallaroo Extended miine (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1915).
Reports on boring operations at the Miltalie mine, near Franklin Harbor (during the half-year ended December 31st, 1915).
Gallipoli mine.
Peeralilla iron deposit.
Mount Jagged iron mine.
Report on tungsten deposit at Callawonga Creek, Hundred of Waitpinga.
Prince Albert copper mine.
Grunthal copper mine.
Mount Sienna mine.
Delsie copper mine.
Gilead P. Beck silver lead mine.
Asbestos mine, 8 miles northeast from Robertstown.
Lewis copper mine.
Penn copper mine.
Darley Dawn gold mine.
Wade copper mine.
Golden Junction gold mine.
Myrtle gold mine.
Tarcoola Perseverance mine.
Tarcoola Blocks gold mine.
Glen Markie mine.
Glenloth Goldfield.
Fabian's no. 3 mine.
Lone Hand mine.
Pernatty copper mine.
Poonana copper and silver lead mine.
Mining Review No. 24
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Boring operations at the Wallaroo extended mine and MR 23 p.17-18, 1916, MR 15 p.15-16, 1912.
Prince Albert copper mine.
Iron Mount mine.
Government diamond drilling operations (for the half-year ended 30th June 1916).
Report on prospecting operations at Callawonga Creek.
Kirkeek's Treasure mine.
Report on the Prince Albert and the David Copperfield copper mines.
Cahill Brothers gold mine.
Blumberg gold mine.
Mount Malvern silver lead mine.
Stirling Reef mine.
David Copperfield copper mine.
Eclipse ochre mine.
Last Resource mine.
Mount Coffin mine.
Nichol's Nob copper mine.
Billy Springs (Mount Fitton) mine.
Copper Queen mine.
Walker's silver lead mine.
F. Arthur's copper claim.
T. Arthur's copper claim.
Golden Junction gold mine.
Oodla Wirra ochre mine.
Myrtle (Dustholes) gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Great Eastern gold mine.
Thunder Queen mine.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Martin Glynn's gold claim.
Tumby Bay copper mine.
Tumby Bay magnesite mine.
Tumby Bay Syndicate's talc mine.
Mining Review No. 25
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Lone Hand and Brind.
Government diamond drilling operations - Wallaroo mines.
Penn copper mine.
Government diamond drilling operations (for the half-year ended December 31st 1916).
Notes on the Stuart's Range Opalfield.
Wheal Barton copper mine.
Mr Geo. Dyer's workings.
Report on the Eureka mine.
Report on Tumby Bay copper mine.
Report on the Poonana copper lead mine.
Spring Creek copper mine.
Meer's show, Belton.
Red Boulder copper mine (formerly known as Bock and Broadbent and Red Hill).
Lux and Queen Bee Copper Mining Co. mine.
Report on the Lewis copper mine.
O'Brien's show.
Golden Junction mine, Mount Grainger Goldfield.
Medora and Mount Grainger gold mine.
New Milo gold mine.
Homeward Bound mine.
Virginia, Thunder Queen gold mine.
Nardoo gold mine.
Quondong gold mine.
Mount Rose copper mine.
Nichol's Nob South Extended copper mine.
Beeliak copper mine.
Hood's Hit copper mine.
Two Jacks and the Warrioota copper mine.
Leslie's Well copper mine.
Hillside copper mine.
Cornwall or Wallaroo East mine.
Yelta copper mine.
Mining Review No. 26
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Salt and gypsum and natural whiting Yorke Peninsula.
Government diamond drilling operations (during the half-year ended June 30th, 1917).
Chinastone and fireclay leases, Hundred of Dudley, Kangaroo Island.
Apatite discovery at Boolcoomata Spring.
Welsh Prince gold mine.
Notes on arsenic claim on section 5281 Hundred Onkaparinga.
Graphite localities on Eyre Peninsula.
Notes on the alunite workings at Carrickalinga Head, Hundred of Myponga and section 310 Hundred of Napperby, near Crystal Brook.
Notes on a proposal to bore the pyritic quartzite body known as the Gibraltar, on sections 1886-1887 and 5280, Hundred of Kanmantoo.
Report on Mount Malvern lead and silver mine.
Mutooroo copper mine.
West Mutooroo mine.
Trinity copper mine.
West Burra copper mine.
Report on the Federal gold mine.
Salt and gypsum and natural whiting, Yorke Peninsula.
Olivaster silver lead mine.
Talisker mine.
Lively Jack gold mine.
Poonana copper and silver lead mine.
Milton's clay mine.
Yelta mine.
Mining Review No. 27
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Report on Parabarana copper mine.
Report on Kanmantoo copper mine.
Diamond Jubilee mine, ML 9278.
Holmes Block, MC 10468.
Niddrie, ML 2288.
Mount. of Light Mineral Claims 10341, 10407, 10502, 10507, 10619, 10689.
Leslie's Well copper mine, Mineral Claim 10290.
Lynda copper mine (formerly known as Mount Lyell, Turnerton, Mottrams, Lorna Doone).
Nichol's Nob (Benalack) copper mine, ML 1732 and Mineral Claims 10287, 10288.
Big Lode (Mont Pelee) copper mine, Mineral Claim 10116.
Mount Burr mine, Mineral Claims 10530 and 10561.
Belliak mine, Mineral Claim 8730.
Great Mount Lyndhurst.
Last Chance mine.
Mount Fitton South, Mineral Claim 10571.
Billy Springs mine.
Mount Rose mine.
Paull's Consolidated copper mine, Mineral Leases 2131 and 2132.
Copper Queen (also known as Beltana Rapid Ore Treatment), Mineral Claims 10573 and 10574.
Black Eagle copper mine, Mineral Claim 9430.
Two Jacks Mineral Claim 10132 and Warrioota mines Mineral Claim 10131.
Sliding Rock copper mine.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1917).
Report on the Leigh Creek Coalfield.
Third inspection of the graphite localities of Eyre Peninsula.
Report on the Haklo mine, section 6396 Hundred Talunga.
Butler's manganese show, Oodla Wirra, Mineral Claim 10628..
Mining Review No. 28
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Mine inspection reports, Moonta mines.
Government drilling operations - Moonta mines area.
Alunite deposits, section A, Hundred of Ramsay.
Report on O'Brien's copper show (formerly Winklers).
Report on a portion of the Kanappa copper mine workings.
Mine inspection reports. Wild Dog mine, 1918-1924.
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1918).
Report on the graphite-bearing deposit in sections 2 2AE, Hundred Uley, Eyre Peninsula.
Report on recent work on Sim's section, 6524 Hundred Talunga.
Tungsten deposits at Callawonga Creek, Queen Mary mine.
Mica deposit on section 18 Hundred Para Wirra, near the Warren Reservoir.
Report on the Lady Alice gold mine.
Alunite deposits, section A Hundred of Ramsay.
Walton Hill copper mine.
New Burra (Utica) copper mine.
Report on the Dustholes (Myrtle) gold mine.
Report on prospecting operations, Hundred of Kuitpo.
Wild Dog mine.
Copper King copper and ochre mine.
Wild Dog copper mine (Leigh Creek).
Dyer's magnesite show.
Mining Review No. 29
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on the alunite deposit at Sheaoak Flat Wells, Hd Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula.
Report on the Olivaster silver lead mine.
Dome Rock copper mine.
New Glenloth gold mine, Glenloth (formerly known as Fabian's no. 3).
Last Chance copper mine.
War Loan copper mine.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1918).
Summary report on the utilisation of Leigh Creek coal by the Leigh Creek Coal Committee.
Report on the alunite deposit at Rapid Bay, section 206 Hundred of Yankalilla.
Report on the alunite deposit at Sheaoak Flat Wells, Hundred of Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula.
Report on the Emily gold mine.
Inspection of Broken Hill Associated Smelters Proprietary smelting works at Port Pirie.
Wheal Murray gold mine.
Moonta Prospecting Syndicate, tribute block no. 3.
Yelta gold mine.
Notes on the welfare work in progress by the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Proprietary Limited, at Port Pirie and Weeroona.
Mining Review No. 30
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on the Tarcoola Perseverance gold mine.
Notes on welfare and betterment work by the Wallaroo and Moonta Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd.
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1919).
Report on the Mount Crystal barite mine, near Inglewood, Mineral Claims 11080 and 11081, comprising the whole of sections 577, 576 and 575 Hundred of Para Wirra.
Report on the Mount Barite mine, near Birdwood.
Report on the claims of the Port Lincoln Plumbago Syndicate NL, MC 10696-69, section 116S, Hundred of Lincoln.
Report on the Wheal Barton, sections 442 and 404 Hundred of Jellicoe.
Graphite, section 66 Hundred of Koppio.
Report on a discovery of asbestos, section 1A Hundred of Minbrie.
Asbestos on section 13, Hundred of Miltalie.
Report on the whiting deposit at the Three Waterholes near Wanna Hut, Hundred od Flinders, Mineral Claim 10861.
Deloraine gold mine.
Iron Knob and Hummock Hill.
Horseshoe Barium Syndicate's workings (Shepherd and Murphy), sections 101 and 110 Hundred of Willunga.
Notes on the welfare and betterment work by the Wallaroo and Moonta Mining and Smelting Company Limited, at Wallaroo, Wallaroo Mines and Moonta.
Mining Review No. 31
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on the Australian Slate Quarry, Willunga.
Report on some gold workings on Fifth Creek.
Report on the Royal George gold mine, Tarcoola.
Report on the manganese deposits of the Australian Manganeses Co. NL.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1919).
Second summary report on the utilization of Leigh Creek coal by the Leigh Creek Coal Committee.
Notes on an alluvial gold deposit on section 586 Hundred of Barossa.
Report on recent development in no. 3 shaft of the Uley Graphite Syndicate, ML 2329.
Homeward Bound gold mine.
Langford's claims, Lovely Gully near Waukaringa.
Hicks and Hooper's copper mine.
Wallis and Party - Copper mine.
Notes on the welfare and betterment work by the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited at Iron Knob and Hummock Hill area.
Mining Review No. 32
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on the property of the New Hope Syndicate.
Report on the Mount Sienna (St Patricks) ochre mine.
Report on the Lady Franklin mine.
Report on the Mount Burr phosphate and guano mine.
Mine inspection reports, Wallaroo mines, 1913.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1920).
Report on the deposit of lignite near Moorlands.
Report on the clays worked by the Longwood Tessellated Tile Company Ltd, at Longwood.
Report on the nature and origin of oily matter found on the shore at Encounter Bay and Kangaroo Island.
Notes on recent discoveries on the Eukaby Field.
Report on a discovery of asbestos on section 228 Hundred of Jellicoe.
Wallaroo mines.
Mining Review No. 33
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Diamond drilling, Cunliffe and MR 32 p.23, 1920.
Barytes show, section 90, Hundred Willunga.
Barytes mine, Aldgate.
Adelaide Barytes Syndicate.
Report on the Snowflake Syndicate barytes properties.
Noarlunga Barytes Company (formerly Shepherd and Murphy's).
Australian Slate Quarries Ltd.
Noarlunga Barytes Co.
Mintaro Slate and Flagstone Co. Ltd.
New Burra Copper Syndicate (formerly Utica).
Report on the lignite deposits of the Hundreds of Sherlock and Seymour.
Lignite at Noarlunga.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1920).
Notes on the results of recent boring operations in the Black Swamp, Hundred of Nangkita, and the prospects of obtaining petroleum at this spot.
Notes on the asbestos (crocidolite) deposits on sections 2A and 3A, Hundred of Bright.
Notes on further work at the Mount Crystal barite mine.
Report on ochre lease, ML 2408, 2409, section 83 Hundred of Coglin.
Report on the workings of the Uley Graphite Syndicate on section 2AE Hundred of Uley.
Mining Review No. 34
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Report on Mount Waratah Copper Syndicate property at Ketchowla.
Inspection of the property of the New Bridge Gold Silver and Copper Syndicate.
Report on the New Year's Gift copper and gold mine.
Government boring operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1921).
Report on the occurrence of marble within the area to be acquired by the Angaston Marble Quarries Company Ltd.
Note on a phosphate discovery on sections 281 and 280 Hundred of Myponga.
Note on a recent discovery of crocidolite on section 53 Hundred of Dutton.
Note on the present condition of the Baratta Field.
Report on the Snowflake Syndicate barytes properties.
Report on Nichol; s Nob copper mine.
Report on the New Year's Gift gold and copper mine.
Report on the Great Northern Eclipse Proprietary gold and silver mine (formerly British Empire mine).
Notes on the preparation of barytes for the market.
Reports by the Inspector of Mines.
Mining Review No. 35
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1921).
Notes on the prospects of the American Beach (KI) Oil Company NL, at the bore site within section 134 Hundred of Dudley.
Notes on the marble deposits at Paris Creek and Macclesfield.
Dome Rock copper mine.
Mining Review No. 36
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1922).
Report on the guano deposits held by Nitrogen Limited at Arcoota and Buckalowie Creeks, Counties Hanson and Glanville, out of Hundreds.
Tarcoola Goldfields.
SA asbestos mine..
Mining Review No. 37
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Mine inspection reports, Paramatta mine, 1918.
Mount Lyell Consols Wallaroo copper mine (Bingo), MR 17 p.48, 1913.
Mine inspection reports - Cornwall mine (Wallaroo East).
Mine inspection reports - Yelta mine 1908-1923.
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1922).
Report by W.A. Bone on the utilisation of Moorlands lignite.
Reports on tests of Moorlands pulverised lignite.
Report of a test on Moorlands lignite in England.
Carbonization tests etc., on Moorlands and Noarlunga lignites.
Willunga Barytes Syndicate.
Silver Monarch mine, Baratta.
Notes on the Deloraine gold mining district.
Notes on the Tarcoola Field.
Notes on the manganese deposits of Lake Pernatty.
Wild Dog copper mine (Messrs Hicks and Hooper).
Mining Review No. 38
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
ncludes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended June 30th, 1923).
Report on H.E. Hallion's boring for oil on section Q Hundred of Port Gawler.
Report on Mineral Claim 11606, section 1B Hundred of Minbrie.
Curdnatta gold mine (Golden Victory), Tarcoola.
Notes on the Tarcoola Goldfield.
Barytes deposits of Noarlunga.
Wild Dog mine, eastern lode, Yelta.
Mining Review No. 39
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
ncludes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations - Yelta, 1918-1924.
Mining review for the half-year ended December 31st, 1923.
Wallaroo and Moonta Mining and Smelting Company. Reports on liquidation of company.
Wild Dog mine, eastern lode, Yelta (Hicks and Hooper). Detailed report.
Government drilling operations (for the half-year ended December 31st, 1923).
Report on progress at the Dome Rock copper mine.
Gypsum Hill.
Report on the property of Kaolin Ltd, section 327 Hundred of Noarlunga.
Report on the silver lead occurrence between Ooloo Dam and Mount Distance, north of the Flinders Range.
Wild Dog mine, eastern lobe, Yelta.
Golden Record gold mine, Wadnaminga.
Golden Belt mine, Tanunda.
Dutton barytes mine.
Mining Review No. 40
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 41
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 42
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 43
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Radium Hill mining field, Olary.
Government drilling operations, Wallaroo Mines, Stirling lode, 1924-1926.
Mine inspection reports, Poona (Matta Para) mine.
Underground water in Australia -3. Australian artesian basins - The Great Australian Basin.
Underground water in Australia -4. Australian artesian basins - Murray River and Eucla.
Underground water in Australia -5. Artesian basins restricted to one state.
Underground water in Australia-6. Ground water supplies in Australia.
Underground water in Australia-7. Underground water composition, testing, and utilisation.
Underground water in Australia-8. Search for underground water supplies.
Exploration for copper in Wallaroo mining district, South Australia.
Mining Review No. 44
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 45
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations, Hamley mine, Moonta, 1916-1927, Karkarilla lode.
Gypsum industry of Marion Bay and Cape Spencer, Yorke Peninsula - General notes.
Mining review for the half-year ended December 31st, 1926.
Mine inspection, Moonta copper recovery, Moonta Prospecting Syndicate, 1925-1926.
Mining Review No. 46
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 47
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Report on a large blasting operation at the quarries of the Adelaide Cement Company at Klein Point.
Mining Review No. 48
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 49
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Adelaide Cement Company Limited - Blasting at Kleins Point.
Mining Review No. 50
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Radioactive minerals (Moonta) - General notices.
Mining Review No. 51
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 52
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations at the Moonta Mines, 1928-1930, Milne, East and Smith Lodes.
Mining Review No. 53
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 54
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Southern extension of Taylors lode system at Moonta (detailed report).
Mine inspection report, Moonta Prospecting Syndicate.
Mining Review No. 55
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Search for oil - Notes by the Government geologist.
Government boring operations, East Matta Wallaroo mines, Bingo mine, 1931-1932.
Report on prospecting operations at the Eureka mine.
Mining Review No. 56
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 57
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Government drilling operations - Wallaroo mines, west - Smith lode 1932-1933 (log and MR .56 p.40-41).
Moonta mining scheme (detailed report).
Mining Review No. 58
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on the following:
Moonta mining scheme - Flotation concentration mill (detailed report, including.plans of mill).
Mining Review No. 59
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Includes articles on the following:
Mine inspection report - Moonta mining scheme, hoisting equipment (including.plans of Smith shift).
Adelaide Cement Company Limited.
Mining Review No. 60
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 61
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 62
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 63
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 64
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 65
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Contains index to Mining Reviews 1-65.
Mining Review No. 66
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes detailed inspection report on Wild Dog Mine
Mining Review No. 67
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 68
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 69
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes Mine inspection reports, plan of East West lode, Wallaroo-Moonta 1937-1939.
Mining Review No. 70
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD
Mining Review No. 71
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 72
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 73
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on:
Government drilling operations - Karkarilla lode, Moonta 1938-1941.
Government drilling operations - Yelta (Block 2, Moonta extended) no. 40 borehole (log only). Alice Hall lodes MR 74 p.16-21 (plan) MR 75 p.12-13.
Mining Review No. 74
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 75
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for
purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on:
Slimes from the Wallaroo mines (new series no. 131 119).
Lady Alice prospectors.
Kurilla copper mine ore dumps.
Mining Review No. 76
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 77
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Includes articles on:
Report on the geophysical surveys at the Wallaroo-Moonta copper field.
Wallaroo-Moonta Copper Field.
Mining Review No. 78
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 79
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 80
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 81
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Government drilling, Bennett Shaft, Moonta 1937-1945.
Moonta Mines - Drilling programme.
Government drilling operations - Wallaroo mines, Devon lodge.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 82
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 83
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 84
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 85
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 86
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Government drilling, Moonta, 1945-1948.
Government drilling operations, York lode, East Karkarilla. 1927.
Examination of South Australian coals.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 87
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Government drilling - Kurilla mine, Matta lode 1930-1.
Diamond drilling - Klein Point.
Geophysical survey to the north of Leigh Creek Coalfield.
Government drilling operations, Wallaroo lode, Wallaroo mines, 1945-1949.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 88
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
ncludes articles on:
Wallaroo-Moonta area. Shallow boring by the Zinc Corporation Ltd.
Geochemical reconnaissance in the Wallaroo mining district, South Australia.
Geophysical survey to the north of Leigh Creek Coalfield. (BMR rec. 1948/48).
Ardrossan - Mining and metallurgical operations.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 89
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
ncludes articles on:
Government drilling, Bennett Shaft, Moonta,1949-1950.
Gravity survey in the Leigh Creek area.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 90
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 91
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Gypsum deposits - Hundred of Tickera (+ RB 26/54).
Government drilling operations, diamond drilling, Kadina/Doora mine.
Stenhouse Bay gypsum deposits.
Gypsum deposits - Hundred of Tickera (+ RB 26/54).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 92
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Stenhouse Bay gypsum deposits mining of gypsum - Marion Lake.
Portland cement, detailed report including SA Portland Cement Co./Adelaide Brighton Cement Co. - Klein Point, shale deposit, Yatala.
Bingo clay deposit, Kadina.
Lake Fowler gypsum deposits.
Wardang Island lime sand deposit.
Portland cement, detailed report including SA Portland Cement Co./Adelaide Brighton Cement Co. - Klein Point shale deposit, Yatala.
Portland cement, detailed report including SA Portland Cement Co./Adelaide Brighton Cement Co. - Klein Point, shale deposit, Yatala.
Portland cement, detailed report including SA Portland Cement Co./Adelaide Brighton Cement Co. - Klein Point,shale deposit, Yatala.
Stenhouse bay gypsum deposits mining of gypsum - Marion Lake.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 93
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Kaolinised aplite near ardrossan (pine point).
Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay deposit - Proposed mining methods and estimated costs.
Clay from weathered aplite at Ardrossan (Pine Point) - Metallurgical report no. 22.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 94
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. Includes articles on:
Moonta tailings dumps - Copper extraction investigation (general notes).
Report on the airborne gamma-ray reconnaissance survey of the Radium Hill area, SA. with appendix by K.R. Seedsman
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
ncludes articles on:
Kaolinised aplite near ardrossan (pine point).
Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay deposit - Proposed mining methods and estimated costs.
Clay from weathered aplite at Ardrossan (Pine Point) - Metallurgical report no. 22.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 95
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Sampling operations - Moonta tailings dumps.
Diamond drilling - Kadina.
Glen Osmond shale and its value in the building brick industry. Joint investigation, CSIRO and School of Mines.
Gypsum deposits near Port Broughton and Tickera (21/1/1952).
Sampling operations - Moonta tailings dumps.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 96
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Electricity Trust of South Australia.
Organisation and growth of the Department of Mines (4/4/1952).
Geophysical exploration in South Australia.
Copper occurrences in the Hawker district.
Salt industry, Port Augusta (13/6/1952).
Some recent developments in open-cut mining operations in the United States with reference to possible applications at Leigh Creek (7/5/1952).
Callawonga Creek wolfram prospect.
Red Hill mine (Red Boulder mine or Bock and Broadbents mine) 8/7/1952.
Sand for sand-cement bricks (21/2/1952).
Gypsum deposits - Blanchetown Plain (26/3/1952).
Clay deposit - Williamstown. Warren refractory shale (10/3/1952).
Fifth Creek Central mine. Geological inspection of secns 996 and 997 Hundred of Adelaide (9/4/1952).
Fireclay deposit - Woodside (9/4/1952).
Leigh Creek Coalfield. supplementary report on the area covered by boring operations between co-ordinates 75 and k20 (8/4/1952).
Gravity survey - Cape Jaffa area (17/3/1952).
Jeep-mounted scintillometer survey for copper lodes - Wallaroo-Moonta area, with results of follow-up work on radioactive anomalies obtained.
Scintillometer survey of the Houghton-Inglewood area (19/5/1952).
Clay deposit, near Wallaroo.
Open-cut mining of Leigh Creek coal (27/3/1952).
Utilization of nairne pyrite for the manufacture of sulphuric acid(5-8-52).
Mulgundawa salt works (23/7/1952).
Investigation on the removal of fluorine from the water of the Great Artesian Basin (4/4/1952).
Pumping of Nairne pyrite concentrates and tailings. Metallurgical report no. 29.
Beneficiation of manganese ore from Pernatty Lagoon.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 97
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. Includes articles on:
Kaolinised Aplite - Wallaroo.
Hillside copper mine, Ardrossan (21/10/52).
Absite, a new mineral related to brannerite.
Examination of slag from Wallaroo.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 98
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Radiometric borehole logging in the Kadina district (26/2/1953) (logging of bores cc18jj1-2,mg1,mg2a).
Recovery of copper from Moonta dumps - metallurgical report book. 45 (9-2-53).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 99
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Review of mineral production -1953 (May, 1954) (mineral statistics not published).
Correlation of geophysical results at Wallaroo-Moonta and surrounding area.(19-8-53).
Sand usage in the cement-brick manufacturing industry.
Wallaroo slime dumps -(metallurgical report no. 53) July 1953.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 100
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Radioactivity detection by aerial survey (1/10/1954).
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Electricity Trust of South Australia.
Tripoli occurrence - Hundred of Murtho (17/3/1954).
New quarry methods. Building stone quarries - Mount Gambier.
Dust prevention in crushing plants (5/5/1954 - Summary in MR.).
Government drilling operations diamond drilling - North Kadina (8/10/1954).
Note on Leigh Creek brick shale. Report from Ceramics Research Laboratory, 28/2/1954.
Activities of the Department of Mines of 1953 relating to the development of the uranium resources of South Australia (31/3/1954).
Clay deposit at Simmonston (19/2/1954).
Brick clay deposit, Hundred of Munno Para.
Munno Para red brickmaking clay. Report no. 70. Appendix 2 in: Brick clay deposit. (Hd of Munno Para, 30/4/1954).
Examination of clay deposits on Oulnina Station near Mannahill.
Copper King ochre deposit.
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Exploration of the northeastern margin - Telford Basin.
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Central area - Upper coal series.
Paull Consolidated copper mine (28/2/1954).
Clay deposit at Simmonston.
Ceramic properties of Willochra Creek material. Report no. 73.
Crystal barite mine (10/5/1954).
Torrens barite mine.
Production of solar salt near Port Augusta (24/5/1954).
Barite deposits, Hundred of Willunga (15/4/1954).
Industrial utilization of South Australian magnesite (23/4/1954).
Flint deposits, County Grey (16/7/1954).
Magnesite from Hundred of Davenport. Metallurgical report no. 61, 11/1/1954.
Recovery of barite form dumps at Oraparinna. Metallurgical report no. 71, 29/6/1954.
Performance of mineral-dressing pilot plant at Radium Hill (Metallurgical report no. 66, 28/2/1954).
Treatment of Mount Serle barite. (Metallurgical report no. 62, 12/1/1954).
Beneficiation of Leigh Creek coal.
Beneficiation of Cooke Plains gypsum.
Extraction of manganese oxide from low-grade manganese ore at Pernatty Lagoon (metallurgical report no. 63, 18/1/1954).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 101
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Review of mineral production - 1954.
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Electricity Trust of South Australia.
Crocker Well area - airborne scintillometer survey.
Chromite at Mount Davies - Tomkinson Range.
General survey of South Australia's mineral resources and dependent industries.
Port Lincoln uranium exploration - Diamond drilling at the Hospital prospect (20/12/1954).
Asbestos deposit - Mount Lyndhurst Station.
Radioactive occurrences - Middleback Range.
Occurrence of chromite at Mount Davies, Tomkinson Range.
Hook quarry building stone deposit.
Shale deposit, section 961, Hundred of Adelaide. Preliminary report. (10/11/1954).
Prairie barite mine, Hundred of Talunga.
Mount Crystal barite mine, Hundred of Para Wirra.
Uraidla barite mine - Hundred of Onkaparinga.
Ground prospecting for uranium in the Yankalilla area.
Monazite deposits, section 60, Hundred of Myponga.
Duricrust silica for high-quality refractory bricks, near Oodnadatta.
Airborne scintillometer survey of eastern Eyre Peninsula.
Magnetic investigations in the Kadina-Wallaroo and surrounding areas.
Brick-manufacturing industry in South Australia during 1954 with particular reference to raw material resources.
Beneficiation of graphite ore from Uley.
Beneficiation of Birdwood clay.
Beneficiation of Tea Tree Gully clay.
Drying of brickmaking clay from Nuriootpa with controlled humidity (metallurgical report no. 76).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 102
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Proposed oil refinery for South Australia.
Reconnaissance geological survey - Mann and Tomkinson Ranges.
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Electricity Trust of South Australia.
Expansion of the salt industry.
Investigation of radioactive occurrences - Yorke Peninsula.
Metatorbernite occurrence, section 159, Hundred of Yankalilla.
History, organization, and functions of the South Australian Department of Mines.
Government drilling operations, diamond drilling - Balgowan geophysical anomaly, Hundred of Kilkerran.
Government drilling operations, diamond drilling, North Kadina, Hundreds of Wallaroo and Tickera.
Yudnamutana copper deposits.
Wagon drilling - Katunga Hills area.
Combustion studies of Leigh Creek coal.
Preliminary investigation into the production of hard char from Leigh Creek coal by simple briquetting and carbonization.
Mineral resources of South Australia.
Radiometric reconnaissance of copper mines dumps, northern Yorke Peninsula.
Oraparinna barite mine.
Leigh Creek Coalfield, central area - Telford Basin.(29/6/1954).
Magnesite deposit, Balcanoona Station.
Mount Shanahan uranium prospect.
Preliminary report on a building stone deposit at Basket Range.
Morrison manganese prospect, Hogback Station.
Thorium occurrence - section 139, Hundred of Encounter Bay.
Thorium occurrences, Hundred of Yankalilla.
Rutile deposit, section 52, Hundred of Encounter Bay.
Silver lead prospect, Hundred of Myponga.
Flotation of davidite from Radium Hill ore. Metallurgical report no. 77.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 103
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Report on a new discovery of uranium mineralization at the Commonwealth mines. Mount Painter region.
Report on completion of diamond drilling at Lomax prospect, town Block 91 secn 358 Hd Lincoln.
Diamond drilling of a magnetic anomaly at Balgowan, Yorke Peninsula. Final report.
Diamond drilling at the Hillside copper mine, Ardrossan (summary only in MR.).
Organization and work of the Research and Development Branch.
Myponga Uranium Project, Wild Dog prospect (16/5/1955).
Refractory clay deposit, secn 579 Hd Bundaleer.
Investigation of asbestos deposits in the Robertstown and Truro districts.
Leigh Creek Coalfield, exploration of the southern margin, Telford Basin area, southeast margin.
Iron ore deposits - Koppio area.
Serpentinized marble deposit near Cowell.
Pitchblende prospects at the Shamrock mine, Yudnamutana.
Mount Arden mine.
Eocene clays of the Knight Formation - South-East Province.
Clay for brickmaking, secns 59 and 55 Hd Beeama.
Sandstone for use as building stone, secn 33 Hd Macclesfield.
Refractory clay deposit - section 113, hundred of narridy.
Geological survey of limestone deposit, Point Turton (2/8/1955).
Radiometric probing of developmental faces in underground workings at Crocker Well East.
Magnetic and gravity investigations at Curramulka (29/9/1955).
Gypsum occurrence - Hd Stow.
Treatment of granular gypsum from Stenhouse Bay (r.d.23).
Suitability of Mount Gambier limestone for the production of hydrated lime.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 104
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Iron ore near Mount Christie, with notes on other outcrops in the Wynbring-Tarcoola district.
Ironstone occurrence, south of Earea Dam.
Iron ore exploration - Middleback Range.
Diamond drilling - Mount Howden cobalt mine.
Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay deposit - Progress report (9/3/1956).
Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay deposit (22/3/1956).
Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay deposit - Revised estimate of mining costs (12/3/1956).
Beneficiation of Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay.
Williamstown (Mount Crawford) clay deposit.
Beneficiation of Williamstown (Mount Crawford) clay.
White clay deposit - hundred of Stanley.
Preliminary investigation of Robertstown materials. Report no. 89, Appendix 2 in Nixon, L.G.B. - White clay deposit, Hd Stanley.
Chemical beneficiation of white clays.
Diamond drilling of shale for cement manufacture. section 3035, hundred of Yatala. (logs not published).
Test boring of brick-shale deposit - Golden Grove.
Building stone deposit near Morgan.
Hook sandstone quarry.
Quarry blasting - Adelaide metropolitan area.
Riverview quarries, Hundred of Yatala.
Maryvale quarries, Hundred of Adelaide.
Quartzite deposit near Kapunda.
Diamond drilling, quartzite deposit, Hundred of Alma.
Sand deposit - Tea Tree Gully.
Limestone deposit near Glencoe.
Preparation of precipitated chalk from Mount Gambier limestone.
Production of hydrated lime from Murray Bridge limestone.
Proposed salt industry, Wallaroo.
Geochemical prospecting section - Progress report.
Gravity and magnetic traverses in the far northwest of South Australia.
Ground magnetometer investigations, Glenorchy-Kalabity area.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 105
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Airborne radiometric survey of portion of the Olary Province.
Blasting vibrations.
Review of post-war boring operations.
Drilling operations on gypsum deposit - hundred of Haines final report.
Treatment of gypsum from Kangaroo Island.
Coober Pedy Opalfield.
Andamooka Opalfield.
Robertstown asbestos. preparation of a marketable product.
Talc and asbestos deposits, Hd Adams.
White clay deposit - Tea Tree Gully.
Leigh Creek Coalfield.
White clay deposit, section 5399, Hundred of Yatala.
White clay deposit - hundred of Miltalie.
Limestone deposit - Reynella.
Blue dolomite deposit, section 5634, Hundred of Yatala.
Quartzite deposit, section 716, Hundred of Yatala.
Quartzite deposit - Mount Jagged (plan not published).
Blue micaceous quartzite for road metal - Hundred of Yankalilla.
Copper prospect, Mutooroo Station.
Copper, barite and manganese occurrences - Mutooroo Station.
Mines, quarries and treatment works.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 106
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Review of the mineral industry during 1955-56 and prospective developments for 1956-57.
Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil as an explosive.
Artesian water supply for the Marree-Birdsville stock route in the vicinity of Marree.
Groundwater prospects - pekina irrigation area.
Underground drainage of the Lower South-East.
Myponga Dam Project - Geological investigation of the tunnel route on the proposed pipeline from the reservoir.
Geochemical prospecting in the Moonta area (28/2/1958) (RB 44/34 is progress report).
Lake Fowler gypsum deposit (29/5/1957).
White clay deposit - Ardrossan (Pine Point) (8/5/1957).
Final report on Ardrossan (Pine Point) clay - Ceramics research (Sept. 1956).
Activation of Birdwood kaolin clay.
Iron King magnetite deposit.
Marble deposit, near Mount Torrens.
Greenhill quarry.
Probable stone reserves near Linwood quarry.
Quartzite deposit, section 313, Hundred of Myponga.
Diamond drilling for road making materials - Mount Compass.
Quartzite deposit near Burra.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 107
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Supplies of dolomite and limestone for steelworks.
Stockwell marble deposit.
White clay deposit - Golden Grove. First report.
White clay deposit - Golden Grove - Second report.
Fireclay deposit near Millbrook Reservoir.
Possibility of augmenting groundwater supplies - Andamooka Opalfield.
Artesian bore repairs - Birdsville-Marree stock route.
Underground water prospects in the musgrave range and its environs.
Seismic reflection and refraction tests, lower Yorke Peninsula (24/9/1957).
Main Eastern prospect, Crocker Well. Summary of development on the 33 ft. and 103 ft. levels.
Uranium occurrences in the Mount Painter area.
Dead Horse Bay uranium prospect (July 1957).
Diamond Lake gypsum deposits.
Talc occurrence near Truro.
Shell grit deposits - Hundred of Inkerman.
Crocidolite asbestos occurrences - Arkaba.
Copper prospect, section 2 Hundred of Campoona.
Diamond drilling of limestone for building stone, near Morgan.
Quartzite deposit, White Rock Quarries.
Blue limestone deposit, near Yankalilla.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 108
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Beryl deposits in South Australia.
Beryl occurrences, west of Boolcoomata Homestead.
Re-opening of the iron baron-iron prince iron deposits.
Iron ore deposits and aeromagnetic anomalies near Tarcoola.
Gravity and magnetic traverses over aeromagnetic anomalies near Cowell.
Iron ore deposit - Koppio.
Beneficiation of copper ore, Dome Rock mine.
Geo-electrical and magnetic prospecting for sulphide ore, Talisker mine area.
Exploration of the western prospect - Radium Hill.
Ground scintillation survey - Radium Hill area.
Uranium-bearing pegmatite near Bimbowrie Station.
Davidite occurrence, section 328 Hundred of Jutland.
Sillimanite deposits, northwest of Olary.
Rutile content of Williamstown white clay.
Asbestos deposit, section 54, Hundred of Coomooroo.
Barite deposit - Mount Caernarvon.
Magnesite deposit, Balcanoona Station.
South Australian building brick manufacture with special reference to the blending of raw materials and their extrusion characteristics.
Reconnaissance survey of peat deposits, Lower South-East.
Report on inspection of supposed oil occurrence, Kangaroo Island - J.W.S. Mitchell.
Blue dolomite deposit - Torrens Gorge.
Blue dolomite occurrences, near Modbury.
Blue limestone deposit, section 1022 Hundred of Yankalilla.
Quartz calcite dolomite deposit, section 2276, Hundred of Kooringa.
Quartz calcite dolomite deposit, section 2276, Hundred of Kooringa.
Bore at Elizabeth Oval and its hydrological significance.
Effect of groundwaters on the salinity of the River Murray.
Site investigation for proposed bridge over River Murray, near Swan Reach.
Foundation investigations - Goolwa ferry ramps.
Investigation of foundation conditions for proposed factory site - Elizabeth.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 109
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Storage of drill cores and cuttings.
Andamooka Opalfield.
Beryl in the Olary Province.
Mintaro slate quarries.
Slate deposit, section 343, Hundred of Noarlunga.
Uranium-bearing pegmatite near Bimbowrie.
Beneficiation and chemical treatment of Mount Victoria ore.
Recovery of mica from Radium Hill flotation tailing.
Robertstown asbestos. preparation of a marketable product. examination of drill core.
Gypsum deposit, sections 72-74 and 78, Hundred of Melville.
Treatment of overburden from Kangaroo Island gypsum deposit (r-d 85).
Gypsum deposit - Diamond Lake.
Electro-magnetic prospecting for graphite, Uley mine area.
Lignite investigations - County Grey.
East Boolcunda Triassic Basin.
Beneficiation of fireclay from Paracombe, near Millbrook Reservoir.
White clay deposit - Longwood.
White clay - Port Augusta district.
Beneficiation of Pine Point clay. Second report.
Artesian water supplies near Kingston, SE, and irrigation supplies in other areas of the Upper South-East.
Mount Hope-Reedy Creek, drain-effect of weir on groundwater table.
Groundwater investigation - Hundred of Warrenben.
Concentrations of heavy-mineral sands on South Australian beaches.
Haematite deposit, section 5, Hundred of Campoona.
Iron ore prospecting, sections 17 and 19 Hundred of Kelly.
Beneficiation of Burra copper dumps.
Foundation conditions for proposed teachers training college,Adelaide.
Evaluation of evans quarry freestone as a source of building sand.
Sand deposit, near Waterloo Corner.
Basalt deposit - Mount Graham.
Quartzite deposit, section 619, Hundred of Noarlunga.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 110
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Mineral industry on Yorke Peninsula (13/7/1959).
Recovery of beryllia from beryl (RD 86).
Talisker lead arsenic mine.
Preliminary investigation of the Talisker area. Appendix 1 in: Nixon, L.G.B. - Talisker lead-arsenic mine.
Talisker lead-arsenic mine. Second report.
Talisker mine, borehole no. 1. Appendix 2 in: Nixon, L.G.B. - Talisker lead-arsenic mine. Second report.
Arsenopyrite prospect, section 108 Hundred of Waitpinga.
Flotation investigations, Crocker Well ore. Flotation of low-grade ore (RD 80).
Echunga Goldfield.
Gravity and magnetic traverses over aeromagnetic anomaly - Hundred of Carina.
Testing of marginal gypsum and estimates of gypsum reserves Lake Macdonnell.
Gypsum deposits near Streaky Bay and some other localities on Eyre Peninsula.
Gypsum deposits near Maninee and Kopi.
Activation of clays (RD 68).
Prospecting for asbestos and phosphate rock, Kapunda - Robertstown area. Progress report.
Marble deposit, near Angaston.
Sand deposit for sand-lime bricks, part section 5468, Hundred of Yatala.
Beach sand survey - West coast of Eyre Peninsula.
Tests on whiting from Daly Head - Yorke Peninsula (Oct.1958) (RD 88).
Future oil exploration, St Vincent Gulf region.
Coal exploration, northern end of the St Vincent Basin.
Reconnaissance survey of the Malbooma brown coal bearing area.
Review of the occurrences of lignitiferous sediments within the Lincoln and Uley-Wanilla Basins.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 111
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Calcareous aeolianites of South Australia.
Andamooka and Coober Pedy Opalfields.
Gravity concentration by pneumatic tabling (RD 95).
Results for drilling white clay at Tea Tree Gully.
Cooltong Plain clay deposit.
Moorlands Coalfield.
Preliminary testing of gypsum, Hundred of Ulyerra.
Some recent and Tertiary limestone deposits on Yorke Peninsula (23/10/1959).
Limestone for production of high grade lime.
Marble deposit, part section 113 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Limestone deposit, Hundred of Kanyaka.
Beneficiation of low-grade iron ores - Braemar ironstone.
Supplementary gravity traverses over Bungalow aeromagnetic anomaly near Cowell.
Gravity and magnetic surveys over aeromagnetic anomaly, Hundred of Chandada.
Test drilling of Tertiary sand deposit, section 366 Hundred of Willunga.
Ardrossan sand deposits.
Asbestos deposit, sections 226, 228 and 680 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Stonyfell quarry.
Greenhill quarries.
Quartzite deposit, section 176, Hundred of Yangya.
Lincoln Basin investigations preliminary report.
Hydrology of the Happy Valley-Morphett Vale area.
Boring on mound springs near Coward Springs.
Mound springs bores - Coward Springs area.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 112
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Mount Fitton talc deposits no. 4, 5 and Leslie deposits.
Open cut mining at Mount Fitton talc mine.
Billy Springs mine also known as Mount Fitton mine.
Inkerman-Balaklava Coalfield.
Inkerman-Balaklava Coalfield stratigraphy.
Beneficiation of low-grade beryl ores. First report.
Gypsum deposit Craigie area.
Gypsum deposit, Streaky Bay. Alternative mining methods.
Beneficiation of Streaky Bay gypsum.
Streaky Bay gypsum beneficiation.
Uley graphite deposit report on drilling operations.
Results of search for phosphate deposits.
Recovery of potassium from bitterns part 1 (r.d.69).
Geological map production.
Beneficiation of Cromer C clay, Williamstown. First report.
Mount Gambier building stone.
Noarlunga limestone deposit diamond drilling.
Sand for concrete fine aggregate progress report.
Quartzite deposit, secns 163, 167, 168, Hd Onkaparinga.
Quartzite deposit, section 331 Hundred of Clare.
Quartzite deposit, secn 128, Hd Dalkey. Report on diamond drilling.
Slate deposit, section 944 Hundred of Adelaide.
Beneficiation of low-grade beryl ores. First report.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 113
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Oraparinna barite mine.
Review of rock product resources for civil construction usage in South Australia.
Development of the gypsum industry on Kangaroo Island.
Gypsum deposit - Blocks Q and N, Hundred of Stuart.
Cromer C white clay deposit.
Investigation into raw materials for the manufacture of roofing tiles in South Australia.
Machine-auger drilling for red clay and white clay - Hundreds of Monarto and Mobilong.
Beneficiation of low-grade iron ores - Braemar ironstone. Second report.
Truro talc deposit.
Gravity survey of the Willunga Basin.
Recovery of by-products of beryl concentration pegmatite investigations - First report (RD 105).
Gravimetric investigations Eden Fault zone.
Billy Springs mine. (Lease no. 2882. Examination of zinc ore).
Billy Springs Mine. Lease no. 2882. Examination of zinc ore.
Diamond drilling - Prince Alfred copper mine.
Beneficiation of Burra copper dumps. Second report.
Burra copper dumps beneficiation. Second report. Beneficiation.
Second valley limestone deposits.
Pink marble deposit, section 422, Hundred of Moorooroo.
Aeolianitic lime sand calcination requirements.
Ground vibration from quarry blasting, Linwood quarry.
Quartzite deposits -sections 5451 and 5445, hundred of yatala.
Quartzite deposit, section 593, Hundred of Alma.
Diamond drilling for road metal, section 593, Hundred of Alma.
Beneficiation of low-grade iron ores - Braemar ironstone. Second report.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 114
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Exploration drilling, Lake MacDonnell gypsum deposit (logs not published).
Morgan gypsum washing tests.
Groundwater prospects portions of the Hundreds of Haines and Dudley.
Drilling operations -Ballast Head, Kangaroo Island.
South Australian rock phosphate deposits.
Seismic survey 1960 - Great Artesian Basin, South Australia and Queensland. Preliminary report.
Reconnaissance sampling, lightweight aggregate project.
Gravity investigations in the Leigh Creek area.
Occurrence of activable clay in South Australia, preliminary report.
Clay-shale deposit for brickmaking, near Reynella part section 601, Hundred of Noarlunga (logs not published).
Reynella shale. Determination of suitability for brick manufacture.
Sampling of white clay deposit, near Port Augusta.
Devil's Chimney ironstone deposit.
Gravity survey from the Birdsville Track to Oodnadatta.
Direct reduction of iron ores. Reduction with hydrogen.
Mount Christie iron ore beneficiation. Dry magnetic and gravity concentration.
Golden Grove sand deposit sections 5460,5461 and 5465, Hundred of Yatala.
Naracoorte sand deposit, Hundred of Hynam.
Sand deposit, Maslin Beach.
Test drilling of sand deposit near Two Wells, sections 660 and 661, Hundred of Port Gawler.
Blue dolomite deposit, near Houghton sections 5394 and 5548, Hundred of Yatala.
Volcanic deposits - Lake Leake and Lake Edward.
Quartzite deposit, part sections 922,935 and 946, Hundred of Adelaide.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 115
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Coffin Bay calcareous sand deposits.
Re-appraisal of the Burra mines and district.
Re-appraisal of the Kapunda mine.
Andamooka and Coober Pedy Opalfields.
Geological investigation of sulphide mineralization near the tillite-slate contact, Sturt River area.
Review of post-war boring operations.
Drilling of the Warramboo aeromagnetic anomalies, central Eyre Peninsula.
Beneficiation of low grade iron ores by flotation methods.
Beneficiation of low grade iron ores by flotation methods.
Iron ore deposit - Hundred of Moorooroo.
Survey of iron ore prospect - Blinman.
Iron ore occurrences, section 85 Hundred of Myponga.
Titaniferous haematite grits.
Heavy mineral sands. Point Gibbon, Hundred of Hawker.
Eregunda manganese mine - Blinman.
Bungoola manganese mine - Blinman.
Chowilla dam site - geological investigations materials of construction - Supplementary report.
Siliceous limestone deposit - Sugarloaf Hill.
Noarlunga limestone deposit.
Stansbury limestone lime-making investigations.
Blue dolomite deposit, Pinkerton Gully.
Test drilling of Tertiary sand deposits, sections 139 and 150 Hundred of Willunga.
Settlement behaviour of a steel oil-storage tank when test-filled with water. preliminary report.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 116
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Ediacara silver-lead-copper mineral field progress report no.1.
Investigation of Dawesley aeromagnetic anomaly.
Nuccaleena copper mine.
Peeralilla Hill iron deposit.
Geochemical lead anomaly - Sellick Hill.
Coal exploration - Clinton North coalfield.
Exploration drilling at Leigh Creek, northern areas.
Exploration drilling of the Malbooma brown coal bearing area.
Scott Creek North clay deposit.
Reconnaissance sampling, floor of Gulf St Vincent.
Marble deposit, sections 113, 341 and 343 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Results of diamond drilling of marble deposit, sections 113, 341 and 343 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Marble deposit, section 301 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Marble deposit, part section 506 Hundred of Moorooroo.
Test boring - Tertiary sand deposit, near Kalbeeba.
Tertiary sand deposit, section 139 Hundred of Willunga. Subsurface stratigraphy.
Flagstone deposit, near Watervale.
Report on groundwater prospects, secns 3, 11, 12, 13 Hd Haines - H.C. Farr. Hydrology of the Frome Embayment.
Rubble for roads - Clare district.
Geological survey - Port Paterson area. Supply of rock material.
Geological reconnaissance for road metal - Hundreds of Ayers and Hanson.
Diamond drilling operations - Roadside (Maralinga) dolomite.
Testing of granite deposit, section 87 Hundred of Ward.
Quartz-felspar gneiss, section 329, Hundred of Louth.
Preliminary site investigation, Walkerville - Highways and Local Government Department administration block.
Landslide area - Torrens gorge road deviation supplementary report.
Upstream bridge site - Torrens Gorge road deviation.
Downstream bridge site - Torrens Gorge Road deviation.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 117
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Geology of the Mount Barker-Callington area.
Groundwater prospects, Coober Pedy area.
Test boring of clay deposit, North Reynella.
Evaluation of North Reynella Shale for ceramic ware manufacture.
Test boring of clay deposit, North Reynella.
Imbitcha clay deposit.
Test boring of clay deposits, Hundred of Davenport.
Lightweight aggregate. Laboratory testing of clays and shales.
Marble deposit - Warren Gorge.
Investigation of Stansbury limestone (Sept. 1962).
Point Paterson limestone - Diamond drilling operations.
Test boring of sand deposit, Athelstone.
Gypsum deposit, north of Bookabie.
Ironstone deposits, Radium Hill district.
Metallurgical testing of Peeralilla Hill laterite.
Copper-lead mineralization - Sturt River area.
Exploration drilling of sulphide mineralization - Sturt River Dam site.(analyses not published).
Quartzite deposit - Golden Grove.
Dolomite deposits, Lower South-East.
Geological survey of road building material, portions of Counties Light and Stanley.
Proposed bulk wheat silo, Port Adelaide site investigation.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 118
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes articles on:
Tantanoola dolomite deposit - up and down rocks t published).
Investigation into the effects of the increasing utilization of the pressure groundwaters of the Northern Adelaide Plains. Progress report.
Clay deposit, near One Tree Hill. [Appendix on sieve analyses of Tertiary sand by J.G. Olliver].
Report on sieve analyses of Tertiary sand, section 4357 Hundred of Munno Para. Appendix 1 in: Hiern, M.N. - Clay deposit, near One Tree Hill.
Occurrence of activable clay in South Australia. second report.(logs no.
Leigh Creek Coalfield - Lobe C.
Production of lime from Coffin Bay lime sand.
Bromine from bitterns.
Marble deposit, part section 506 Hd Moorooroo.
Diamond drilling operations, secn 333 Hd Caroline.
Reconnaissance seismic refraction survey - Lake Torrens.
Geophysical investigations over the Ediacara mineral field preliminary.
Ediacara mineral field recommendations for preliminary drilling of geophysical results.
Harrogate geochemical anomaly preliminary report on geophysical investigation.
Investigation of the Kopi aeromagnetic anomalies.
Inspection of gold lease - Pitcairn Range.
Sellick Hill lead anomaly area.
Boring of sand deposit near Gawler.
Test boring of sand deposit, section 366 Hd Willunga.
Port Pirie to Cockburn railway standardization - Jamestown-Yongala deviation. Preliminary report.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 119
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Geology of the Kapunda mines and environs.
Paull Consolidated (or Friend) copper mine.
Greenpatch jaspilite structure, Hd Lincoln.
Gravity and magnetic survey of the Greenpatch jaspilite structure - Hd Lincoln.
Geophysical investigation of the Dawesley aeromagnetic anomaly (21/8/1963).
Seismic refraction tests, Williamstown area (22/7/1963).
Aluminium sulphate from alunite.
White clay deposit, secn 87 Hd Miltalie (22/11/1963).
White clay deposits Salt Creek, Cowell. Beneficiation.
Investigation of white clay deposit, Salt Creek, Cowell.
Diamond drilling operations, marble deposit, pt secn 506 Hd Moorooroo.
Test boring for sand, secn 151 Hd Willunga.
Test boring, Cleland Gully sand deposit.
Road metal deposits, secns 2969 and 5012 Hd Macclesfield and Hd Kuitpo (27/11/1963).
Quartzite deposit, reserve adjoining secn 89 Hd Nackara.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 120
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. Includes articles on:
Reconnaissance seismic refraction and gravity surveys in the northern portion of the Murray Basin in South Australia - 1963.
Ediacara mineral field summary report (26/5/1964),.
Beneficiation tests on silver-lead ore from Ediacara.
Kapunda mines investigations, Kapunda mine, East Kapunda mine, and South Kapunda (Hillside) mine. Summary report.
Copper and silver-lead prospect, section 99 Hundred of Gilbert (10/4/1964).
Geology of the Daly-Yudnamutana copper deposits, northern Flinders Ranges.
Jaspilite outcrops of northern portion of the Lincoln 1-mile sheet (3/3/1964).
Coffin Bay calcareous sand deposits.
Brachina limestone deposits.
Diamond drilling operations, marble deposit, secns 333 and 334 Hd Moorooroo.
Gypsum deposit, Blocks Q and N, Hundred of Stuart - Results of machine-auger boring.
Fluorite deposits, Olary district.
Prospecting for white clay deposits, County Jervois (21/1/1964).
Reconnaissance sampling, foundry sand.
Limestone deposit, sections 671, 672, Hundred of Davenport.
Limestone deposit, sections 671, 672, Hundred of Davenport, laboratory testing.
Quartzite deposit, section 147 Hd Lincoln.
Road metal deposits - Central and lower Eyre Peninsula.
Subsurface drainage conditions, sections 176, 177 and 304, Hundred of Mobilong.
Geological and geophysical investigations at Mount Toondina (18/5/1964).
Gravity survey of the Northern Adelaide Plains.
Gravimetric investigation of the Eden Fault Burnside Fault Zone.
Geophysical investigation at the Southern end of Lake Torrens in a search for brines gravity and magnetic results (19/1/64)
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 121
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
West Burra copper mine (4/12/1964).
Diamond drilling at the Pinnacles mine.
Copper-silver-lead prospect, Peters Hill mine.
Preparation of iron oxide as pigment.
Investigation of Carrow and Neill aeromagnetic anomalies (7/9/1964).
Aeromagnetic anomaly near Oakbank (29/7/1964).
Geological investigation of an aeromagnetic anomaly, Piccadilly district (25/6/1964) (analyses not published).
Reflection seismic survey - Northern Adelaide Plains 1964.
Sir Joseph Banks Islands, Spencer Gulf. Geological reconnaissance (appendices not published).
Molybdenum and tungsten in the southeastern portion of Spilsby Island (Sir Joseph Banks Group) (analyses not published) 10/12/1964.
Artipena manganese prospect, Martins Well Station (27/7/1964).
Arrowie Gorge manganese prospects.
Brachina limestone deposit.
Auger boring - Joe's Hill talc deposit (logs not published).
Karawirra orebody, Lyndoch talc deposits (petrology not published).
Brick-clay deposits, Port Lincoln district (29/9/1974).
Further diamond drilling of marble deposits at Penrice (22/10/1964) (logs not published).
Further diamond drilling, Bald Hill marble deposit (logs not published) 16/12/1964.
Auger boring, Yatala Vale sand deposit (logs not published) 10/12/1964.
Auger boring of Happy Valley sand deposit (17/11/1964, logs not published.
Test drilling - Anstey Hill sand deposit (2/9/1964, logs not published).
Test boring, Rowland Flat sand deposit.
Quartzite deposit - Eagle quarry.
Quartzite for railway deposit quartzite for railway ballast - gladstone.
Coromandel Heights quartzite deposit (21/9/1964).
Quartzite deposit, Yongala (22/9/1964).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 122
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Coober Pedy Opalfield.
Stuart Range no.3 bore - Coober Pedy.stratigraphy and micropalaeontology.
Mintabie Opalfield.
Opal deposits in northern South Australia.
Opal occurrence - Myall Creek Station (25/6/1965).
Water supply andamooka opalfield report on regent drilling.
Ukaparinga (Unaparinga) copper mine, Williamstown, secn 2503 Hd Barossa, Co. Adelaide. Authority to enter, I. Moisseeff.
O'Donoghues Castle copper prospect, Balcanoona Station (outside Hundreds and Counties pastoral sheet 11S, mineral claims 4606/4607.
Paull Consolidated (or Friends) copper mine. Results of surface sampling and diamond drilling (logs and analyses not published) (past SH 125 block 690).
Geological reconnaissance of the coastal areas of southern Eyre Peninsula for molybdenite and scheelite.
Reconnaissance for scheelite deposits in the Sir Josephs Banks Group of islands (2u-5-65) (petrology and analyses not published).
Brachina dolomite deposit, central Flinders Ranges, Hd Bunyeroo.
Auger boring of Hackham clay deposit, pt secns 7, 17 Hd Noarlunga - Jarvis Industries Ltd.
Newlands barite deposit.
Reconnaissance seismic refraction survey - 1964 South Australian portion of the Eucla Basin (18-2-65).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 123
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Paratoo copper deposit.
Flotation of beryl from pegmatite.
Serpentinized marble deposit near Cowell, (H.A. Schiller.).
White clay deposit, Hamley Bridge.
Shale deposit, Hd Willunga, secn 80 - C.J. and J. Roetman.
Lightweight aggregate Tapley Hill Shale.
Diamond-drill testing of Brachina limestone deposits.
Sand and gravel deposit, southeast of Gawler (14/10/1965).
Sand deposit, secn 364 Hd Willunga - Monier Besser.
Sand deposit, secn 363 Hd Willunga - Monier Besser Pty Ltd.
Geophysical surveys - Bedford Park Teachers College.
Limestone and dolomite deposits, Yunta area - Highways and Local Government Department.
Diamond drilling operations, Klein Point limestone - Adelaide Cement Co. Ltd.
Quartzite deposits, secns 167, 1170 and 171 Hd Nackara - SA Railways.
Dolerite deposit, secn 95 Hd Paratoo. Interim report (21/10/1965).
Paratoo copper deposit.
Dolomite deposit - Cleve.
Dolomite deposit near Cleve, diamond drilling (4/11/1965).
Dolomite deposit, secn 66 Hd Yadnarie - Highways Department.
Amphibolite deposit, Tumby Bay district. First report - Highways and Local Government Department.
Amphibolite deposit, Tumby Bay district. Second report - Highways and Local Government Department.
Materials investigation, quartzite deposit, Sutherlands. Progress report (14/10/1965).
Groundwater investigations on Eyre Peninsula 1956-1965 summary report.
Flow and pressure testing of bores Great Artesian Basin, eastern margin.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 124
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Mount Grainger gold mine.
Geology of the Weekeroo copper prospect.
Felspar and beryl deposits, Wiperaminga Hill.
Heavy mineral sands, Kangaroo Island (11/2/1966).
Norite deposit, Black Hill, secn 240 Hd Ridley.
Lime sand deposits, Eyre Peninsula (2/4/1963).
Geological and geophysical report, Ironmount mine area, Tumby 1-mile sheet.
Coolybring aeromagnetic anomaly (20/1/1966).
Eden-Burnside Fault Zone in the Bedford Park area, Hd Adelaide.
Dolomite deposits in the Cowell area. Reconnaissance sampling.
Final report on quartzite deposit, secns 167, 170 Hd Nackara, Co. Herbert - SA Railways.
Cherry Gardens clay deposit - Drilling.
Sand and clay deposit Golden Grove, secn 5459 Hd Yatala.
Clay and sand deposit, One Tree Hill.
Sand deposit at Sandy Creek.
Report on seismic refraction and reflection survey in the Motpena area of the Torrens Basin in SA. 1965.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 125
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on:
Hydrogeology of the Northern Adelaide Plains Basin.
Survey of quarry blasting (6/7/1966).
Lightweight aggregate - Tapley Hill Shale (amdel report 505 env 1709 project no. 1/1/5).
Lightweight aggregate. Tapleys Hill Shale (2).
Bacterial leaching of copper.
Nickel exploration, Claude Hills extension, Northern Territory (21/11/1966).
Evaluation of pottery clays.
Preparation of iron oxide as pigment.
Report on the Stanley copper mine (29/7/1966).
Quartzite deposit, Black Rock.
Clay deposit - Clare (9/9/1966) (logs not published).
Truro ironstone prospect (7/10/1966).
Dolomite deposit, Kulpara.
Reconnaissance survey for rail ballast - Tooligie to Wirrulla.
Quartzite deposit - Crystal Brook (2/12/1966).
Gravity survey in the Yankaninna area of the northern Flinders Ranges 22/11/1966.
White clay deposit - Crystal Brook.
Guano deposits, southern Eyre Peninsula (20/7/1966).
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 126
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes articles on:
Copper deposits in the Willouran Inlier at Spalding.
Groundwater prospects -NorthWest reserve for aborigines.
First geological and geochemical report on the Sellicks Hill area for the period January to May 1967.
Serle Angepena area first geochemical report.
Review of groundwater hydrology adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia.
Seismic reflection, refraction and gravity survey, eastern Officer Basin, 1966. Preliminary report.
Regional gravity survey of MANN and WOODROFFE 1:250 000 sheet areas.
Problems of locating water supplies in hard rock areas.
Distribution of metals in soils and stream sediments near Lyndhurst, grid J/5.
Anstey Hill clay deposit.
White clay prospects, Barossa Valley area, Co. Light and Eyre SA - Portland Cement Co. Ltd.
Groundwater prospects Northwest Reserve for Aborigines.
Clay deposit, Springton, secn 166 Hd Para Wirra, Co. Adelaide - Australian Industrial Minerals NL.
Report on granite deposits, Minnipa-Wudinna area, Co. Le Hunte - SA Railways.
Quartzite deposit, secns 49W, 49E Hd Booyoolie - SA Railways.
Report on marble deposit, secn 385 Hd Hawker - Highways and Local Government Department.
Review of post-Miocene volcanic centres in SA.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 127
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Mount Painter gravity survey.
Mineral resources review no. 127, December 1967.
Review of groundwater hydrology, adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia-New South Wales-Victorian border to Renmark.
Walloway Artesian Basin.
Report no.1 analogue computer investigations of the North Adelaide Plains Basin.
Groundwater for the Adelaide metropolitan area water supply.
Regional geochemical investigations on the Clare one-mile sheet area (see also RB 65/35 by Gibson, A. for details).
Geochemical and geological investigation of the Serle-Angepena area Mount Coffin Diapir.
Kenmore Park nickel prospect, Northwest Province.
Pandurra copper prospect preliminary report.
Raw materials for tile manufacture.
Tumby bay talc deposit.
Myponga phosphate deposit (Heatherdale Pastoral Pty Ltd and appendix, scintillometer survey by B.J. Taylor).
Tantanoola dolomite deposit at the Up-and-Down Rocks - SA Silicates Co. Pty Ltd.
Concrete aggregate, Murray Bridge area (for L.C. Guerin).
Tooligie range quartzite deposit.
Recovery of copper from the Lorna Doone mine dump.
The Mineral Resources Review, of which this volume is the first issue, forms the continuation of the SADM's long-standing "Mining Review" half-yearly publication series, under a new title. It will continue to be the primary source under which statistical records of South Australian mineral production, past and present, are released to the mineral industry and the wider public.
Under the former series title, 100 successive issues were published, starting with Mining Review no. 27 in 1918. in this form, it had been concerned mainly with recording of mining and prospecting activities, together with Government drilling operations in support of these activities throughout the State. The numerous included reports of former Inspectors of Mines now comprise a valuable record of many old mines and mineral prospects.
With the decline in gold and copper mining during the 1930s and the post-war emphasis on industrial minerals, there has been a gradual change in the content of the Mining Review towards reports based on investigations undertaken by officers of the Geological Survey of South Australia. It is now more concerned with the evolving technical aspects of mineral exploration and development, rather than with mining activities, as was the case in the past. The new Mineral Resources Review will thus reflect the importance of the many scientific disciplines now contributing ideas that influence mineral exploration, viz. geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology and so on.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 128
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 129
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.ncludes individually indexed articles on:
Lithofacies evaluation of Lower Cambrian sediments of the Flinders Ranges. A preliminary study.
Tailem Bend-Keith pipeline scheme regional groundwater assessment - EWS Department.
Phosphate deposits in the Myponga area (and unpublished appendix - A suite of phosphatic rocks from Myponga SA, by G. Williams, Amdel).
Resistivity survey of the Cape Hart area, Kangaroo Island, Hd of Dudley.
Review of groundwater hydrology, adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia, Renmark to Kingston-on-Murray and biostratigraphy appendices.
Drilling for gypsum beneath Lake MacDonnell.
Geochemical exploration in the stirling-clarendon area.
Mineral resources of Kangaroo Island.
Brick clays and shales in the Clare district - R.A. and Y.E. Gilbert.
Groundwater resources of Eyre Peninsula (Co. Flinders, Musgrave, Robinson]. Summary of available data, October 1968 for EWS Department.
Dome Rock copper mine.
Exploration for argillaceous material for cement manufacture, Yorke Peninsula - Adelaide Cement Co. Ltd.
Review of groundwater hydrology, adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia, Blanchetown-Waikerie area.
Mineral exploration of the Mount Grainger Diapir.
Penong area groundwater assessment progress report, August 1968.
Dune sand for foundry use North Adelaide Plains.
Regional hydrogeological survey of Counties Buxton and Jervois.
Moralana barytes deposit, section 16 Hd Moralana, Co. Hanson, MC 5290 - M.E. Jarvis.
Ardrossan sand deposit.
Investigation of overburden, western outcrop, Yarwondutta (granite) Rocks, section 27 Hd Minnipa, Co. Le Hunte - SA Railways.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 130
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on: Montacute and Adelaide copper mines.
Sedimentary phosphate exploration. Part 1 - The Cambrian of the Flinders Ranges.
Geological and geochemical investigation of the Lyndhurst Diapir.
Review of groundwater, adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia, Kingston-on-Murray-Overland Corner area.
Helicopter gravity survey of areas marginal to the western Great Artesian Basin.
Sedimentary phosphate exploration. Part 2 - The Cambrian and Proterozoic of fleurieu Peninsula,the Mount Lofty Ranges,and Yorke Peninsula.
First geochemical report on the Mount John Fault and the Nantawarrinna Diapir, Balcanoona 1:63 360 map area.
Wait's Noarlunga phosphate deposits.
Seismic survey of the Willunga Basin.
Appraisal of the mineral potential of the Spalding Horst.
Birdwood white-clay deposit.
Loch Ness copper prospect, Balcanoona Station.
Parcoola gypsum deposit.
Report on the Oodnapanickan lead-silver prospect, ML 5251, Mrs G.L. Lehmann, North Flinders Ranges.
Kangarilla lead mine.
Baratta (Eukaby, Crusader) silver-lead field.
Kenton valley clay deposit.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 131
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Mineral occurrences in Flinders Ranges planning area - State Planning Office.
Investigation of the Almanda mine area.
Sampling techniques in a geochemical survey.
Desalination by freezing.
Drainage investigations in the Waikerie district irrigation areas.
Exploration of the Mount Coffin Diapir, northern Flinders Ranges (logs not published).
Hydrogeology of the Milang-Langhorne Creek area.
Micropalaeontology and stratigraphy of the Langhorne Creek no. 1 bore.
Blue-grey-siliceous limestone, Linwood Quarry, secns 197, 248, 249 Hd Noarlunga, Co. Adelaide - Quarry Industries Ltd (logs not published).
Exploration for copper in the Oraparinna and Enorama Diapirs.
Evaluation of aquifers in the Uley South groundwater basin. Second report (logs not published).
Hydrogeological electric analogue models constructed by the South Australian Mines Department (electrical analogue models of groundwater systems).
Kyanite deposits of the Radium Hill area (53/182, 24/11/1961).
Reconnaissance survey for ballast, southern Yorke Peninsula, Co. Fergusson - South Australian Railways.
Roadmetal in the Port Germein district.
Review of groundwater hydrology, adjacent to the River Murray in SA. Progress report no. 8 Kingston-Loxton-Renmark area.
Geology of the Balhannah copper-gold-bismuth mine.
Mineral exploration of the Windowarta Diapir.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 132
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Geological investigation of the Burr crush zone (appendices of logs, assays, petrology not published).
Copper smelting and refinery feasibility study.
Copper smelter and refinery feasibility study (Amdel report 695 also in Env 4404 project no. 1/1/118).
Reconnaissance for road metal in the Tanunda district.
Seismic survey western and central Arckaringa Basin.
Investigations for roadmaking material in the Eudunda district.
Spilsby Island molybdenite scheelite deposits.
Investigations for roadmaking materials, Hds Nangkita and Goolwa, Co. Hindmarsh - District Council of Goolwa and Port Elliot.
Report on the Last Chance mine area, Peake and Denison Ranges (geochemical and geophysical investigations near the Last Chance mine).
Curramulka limestone deposits, Yorke Peninsula. Drilling completion report - Site 1.
Third geological and geochemical report on the Sellicks Hill area.
Curramulka limestone deposits, Yorke Peninsula. Drilling completion report - Site 2.
Second report on the Balcanoona Mercury Project - Geochemical survey 1969 of the Mount John Fault zone.
Leigh Creek coal measures.
Investigation of Kenmore Park nickel prospect no. 1.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 133
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Mineral resources of the Eyre planning area.
Depositional history and tectonics of South Australian sedimentary basins.
Groundwater basins of County Musgrave, Eyre Peninsula.
Association of mineralization with breccia and some South Australian examples.
Eyre Peninsula groundwater study, Coffin Bay township supply. Progress report no. 1, Hds Lake Wangary and Wanilla - EWS Department.
Summary report on mineral resources - District Council of Willunga.
Contamination of underground water supplies.
Port Kenny groundwater basin (11/8/1970).
Port Kenny groundwater basin.
Final report on helicopter gravity survey, 1969.
Hydrogeological survey Milang-Langhorne Creek area. Progress report no. 3.
Summary of drainage investigation in Waikerie district of River Murray irrigation area, SA, during period July 1967 to June 1970. Progress report no. 16.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 134
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
ncludes individually indexed articles on:
Drilling and completion practices in the Great Artesian Basin.
Geology of the Vennachar and Borda 1:50 000 map area Kangaroo Island (report on the reconnaissance geology).
Hydrogeology of the Northern Adelaide Plains Basin.
Geophysical exploration of the arckaringa Basin 1970.
Stream sediment sampling of Giles Complex intrusions in the Musgrave Ranges.
Hydrogeology and aquifer characteristics of the Carribie Basin. First report.
Aquifer characteristics of the Cambrai Basin. Second report.
Monarto copper prospect.
Yardinna no. 1 stratigraphic well - Completion report and palynology (RB 71/45).
Gomersal copper prospect.
Report on pump test, Wilpena Pound National Pleasure Resort 106.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 135
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Economics of hydrometallurgical recovery of copper.
Pressure cementing casing in water wells.
Observation bore no. 2 Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basins Tertiary micropalaeontology and stratigraphy.
Report on induced polarisation survey over Frazer's copper prospect, Alberga Kenmore.
Frazer's copper prospect.
Generation of Schlumberger resistivity curves.
Groundwater resources - Padthaway area.
Extraction processes used in some copper mines of the United States and Canada.
Geochemical survey of the Mount John-Paralana Fault Zone. Third report.
Recommended artesian well headworks.
Helicopter geological survey of the western Great Artesian Basin, 1971.
Surveyor Point clay deposit, Yorke Peninsula.
Resistivity survey at Port MacDonnell.
Pernatty Lagoon barite deposit.
Report on opal occurrences near Welbourn Hill Homestead.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 136
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Natural gas Pipelines Authority of South Australia natural gas pipeline from Moomba to Adelaide (extracts from annual reports June 1970, 1972).
Land use planning and mineral resources of the Mount Lofty Ranges study area.
Completion report and pump test, Tarpeena town water supply bore no. 1, town lot 127 Hd Mingbool - Client: EWS Department.
First report on the geochemical sampling of granites for tin.
Marine foraminifera from eocene carbonaceous sediments polda,cummins and wanilla Basins Eyre Peninsula.
Uley South groundwater basin - Proposed use for Port Lincoln water supply.
Stratigraphy and palynology of the Polda Basin, Eyre Peninsula (and appendix by J.M. Lindsay on foraminifera in Polda, Cummins and Wanilla Basins.
Clay shale deposits, Glen Osmond, part secn 1079 Hd Adelaide, Co. Adelaide - Client: City Bricks Ltd (Glen Osmond shale deposits).
Para Wurlie groundwater basin.
Preliminary report on groundwater resources Ernabella Mission.
R review of geophysical work in the Polda Basin, KIMBA and ELLISTON 1:250 000 sheets.
Mineral exploration of the Patawarta Diapir.
Report on the design and construction of a variable time delay unit for seismic shooting.
Copper prospect, section 1G Hd Bright (8/5/1972).
Port MacDonnell resistivity survey no. 2, February 1972, Northumberland 1-mile sheet.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 137
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Evaluation of raw materials for lightweight aggregate, Adelaide area.
Construction materials resources Adelaide area. First summary report.
Groundwater hydrology adjacent to the River Murray in South Australia. A summary.
Wire-line coring with rotary machines Leigh Creek 1972.
Utah bore dolerite deposit.
Monarto town area - Construction materials and foundation conditions.
Mount Chandler quartzite deposit.
Summary of the hydrogeology of the South-East Province.
Regional geological mapping and cartography procedures.
Recovery of copper at the Dome Rock mine.
Geochemical reconnaissance of the TARCOOLA 1:250 000 map area.
Mount Willoughby limestone deposit at Ethel Well.
Hydrogeology of the Milang-Langhorne Creek area - Third report.
Limestone for railway ballast on Murray lands at Pungonda.
Eyre Peninsula groundwater survey assessment of Talia Basin Hds Colton and Talia.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 138
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Construction materials of the Adelaide area - Production, restraints and resources.
Geophysical surveys at Kenmore 1 and 2 and Wild Horse prospects, Eateringinna 1:100 000 sheet.
Fossiliferous marine and non-marine Cainozoic rocks from the eastern Eucla Basin.
Artificial recharge suggestions for an experiment in the Milang Basin.
Recommended procedures to control artesian water losses in the shallow Western margin of the Great Artesian Basin.
Amata resistivity survey.
Frazer's copper prospect drilling completion report.
Marryat nickel prospects drilling completion report.
Pressure cementing PVC casing in flowing artesian wells.
Ernabella resistivity survey.
Geology of Darke Peak quarry, County of Jervois, Hd Darke, railway reserve.
Amethyst deposit on Eyre Peninsula, County of Buxton, Hundred of Kelly, section 24 - J.E. Grund.
Artificial lake site at Monarto - Seismic refraction survey.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 139
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes individually indexed articles on:
Mount Barker quartzite quarry.
Contamination of groundwater in the Mount Gambier area.
Report on collection of data for drill hole sample storage and retrieval.
Survey of water treatment methods.
Survey of water treatment methods.
Geology of the Little Para Dam - Reservoir area.
Test drilling of Alberts sand deposit.
Hydrogeology of the South-East defined areas. A summary.
Utah bore dolerite deposit - second report.
Hawker district groundwater potential.
Opal occurrences near Granite Downs Homestead.
Proposed Little Para Dam. Effect on intake to aquifers of Northern Adelaide Plains.
Completion and pump test report, Hawker town water supply, standby bore no. 5 - Client: EWS Department.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 140
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
BHP raw materials operations in South Australia.
Construction materials resources monarto area.
Completion and pump test report, APD supply bore no. 2, secn 364 Hd Blanche - Australian Processors and Distributors Pty Ltd.
Production tests of the upper Knight Group aquifer at Mount Gambier.
Data base management system for the storage and retrieval of geological data.
Water budget investigations at Padthaway 1972 and 1973 (18/12/1873).
An amphibolite deposit near Tailem Bend.
Report on a geochemical soil sampling programme, Kenmore and Eateringinna Alberga.
Padthaway area resistivity survey.
Cowell aggregate quarry, Co. Jervois, Hd Hawker, secn 385.
Robe town water supply bore nos.2, 2A and 3, aquifer tests. Client: EWS Department.
Tooligie ballast quarry, Co. Jervois, Hd Tooligie, secn 12.
Mitchell Park Boys Technical High School completion report, pt secn 84 Hd Adelaide - Public Buildings Department.
Minnipa ballast quarry, County of Le Hunte, Hd of Minnipa, section 27.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 141
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Nephrite jade deposits near Cowell, Eyre Peninsula.
Tarpeena town water supply bore no.2 aquifer test.
Tarpeena town water supply bores 1 and 2 completion report and recommendations.
E-Z mining operations at Beltana.
Construction sand resources, Port Lincoln area, South Australia.
SADM Oodnadatta town bore 2. Well completion report.
Micropalaeontology of cores from oodnadatta town bore no.2.
Mining operations at the Cattlegrid copper deposit - Mount Gunson.
Mount Mulga barite deposit, Olary Province, Out of Counties.
Hydrogeology of Kangaroo Island.
Regional soil sampling of the Kanmantoo metasediments, Mount Barker to Cape Jervis.
Proposed sediment screen dam to be built at Aroona Reservoir.
Abrasive grade garnet at Milendella, secn 961 Hd Tungkillo, Co. Sturt - B.C.and M.C. Lindner.
Parachilna slate deposit, secn 4 Hd Oratunga, Co. Taunton.
Amazonite deposit near Koppio, Co. Flinders, Hd Koppio, secn 67 - J.A. Calderwood.
Milang-Langhorne Creek area groundwater investigations progress report no.9 May 1974.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 142
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.Includes individually indexed articles on:
Recharge investigations, northern margin of the Milang Basin. Milang-Langhorne Creek area.
Mount Falkland barite deposits.
Moralana barite deposits, southern lode. Second report, secn 16 Hd Moralana, Co. Hanson - SA Barytes Ltd.
Geochemical survey Monarto area.
Thomas lode, Lyndoch talc deposits, section 3133, Hundred of Barossa, County of Adelaide.
Highland lode, Lyndoch talc deposits, secn 3127 Hd Barossa, Co. Adelaide - H.A. Schoof.
Water well drilling at Cave Hill and Amata. North West Aboriginal Reserve.
Remote water supply wells in the North West Aboriginal Reserve.
Barite deposits near Whyalla, northern Eyre Peninsula ( RB 75/16, 75/49, 75/63).
Mount Schank basalt quarry.
Mongolata Goldfield.
Quorn slate deposit, section 188 Hd Willochra, Co. Frome.
Longwood clay deposits, County Adelaide Hundred Noarlunga, sections 326,327, 328, 331, 332, 333, (ML 2754 - Bradbury Industries).
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 143
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Saline groundwater inflows to the River Murray in South Australia (Circum-Pacific Energy and Minerals Resources Conference, Honolulu, August 1974).
Wollastonite at Ethiudna, Olary Province.
Beachport town water supply flow testing of bore no. 3 completion report and recommendations.
Karawirra lode, Lyndoch talc deposits, section 3133, Hd Barossa, County of Adelaide.
Lining uncontrolled artesian wells with PVC pipe.
Manya 1 and Marla 1. Well completion report.
Test drilling for sand, pt secn 143 Hd Willunga, Co. Adelaide - Chaplin Holdings Pty Ltd.
Mathews barite deposit ML 4109, Co. Taunton (B.L. Mathews).
Test drilling, Myponga phosphate deposit, secn 281 Hd Myponga, Co. Hindmarsh - Adelaide and Wallaroo Fertilizers Ltd.
South-East water resources aquifer tests of the Knight Formation in the Hundred of Mingbool.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 144
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Torrens River Valley, general and environmental geology.
Mount Chambers barite deposit, ML 4219 Out of Counties - Flinders Ranges. Client: J.H. Coad.
Carpenter Rocks town water supply. Bores 1, 1A and 2 completion report.
Report on Deloraine mine.
Price sand deposit, secn 166 Hd Cunningham, PM 243 - C.M. Crowell.
Mount Neville barite deposit, MC 713 Hd French, Co. Hanson - H.G. Coad.
Cement square barite deposits Carey Hill Flinders Ranges, out of Hundreds Co. Taunton ML 4444, 4445 - H.A. Schoof.
Warrioota banded calcite deposit, Out of Counties, Flinders Ranges, ML 4497 - B.B. Moss.
Mount Frome barite deposit ML 4216, out of counties Flinders Ranges - H.E. Heppner and M. Kuchel.
Base metal exploration in the Mutooroo-Trinity mine area, Olary Province EL 246.
Carey Hill barite deposits, no. 2 lodes, out of Hds, Co. Taunton, ML 4107 - H.M. Nickels.
Geochemical exploration in the Earea Dam Glenloth mining fields grid F.5, Block 436.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 145
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Stenhouse Bay gypsum deposits - Core sampling of Snow Lake and Spider Lake.
Barite deposits near Mount John, out of Counties Flinders Ranges - H. Coad.
Investigation of heavy mineral sands, Morrison Beach, Kangaroo Island (includes Amdel mineral reports, MP3731/75, MP2563/764 and MP2563/76).
Warrakimbo micaceous haematite deposit, Mining Lease 4521 [L. Morellato], near Barnidoota, Co. Blachford.
Stratigraphic drilling for coal in the Copley Basin, 1974-75.
Turquoise occurrence near Mount John, out of Counties, Flinders Ranges.
Base metal exploration in the Willouran Ranges to September,1976.
Investigation for road rubble, Hds Tickera, Wiltunga, Ninnes and Kulpara, Co. Daly - District Council of Bute.
Nankabunyana barite deposit, Out of Counties, Flinders Ranges.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 146
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
ncludes individually indexed articles on:
Geology of the Kitticoola mine.
Tweedie Gully lodes - Lyndoch talc deposits.
Geochemical appraisal of the Bunyeroo Formation, COPLEY 1:250 000 sheet.
Refraction seismic survey in the northern St Vincent Basin Coalfield.
Dolomite deposits within the proposed Black Hill Conservation Park.
Regional soil sampling of the Willyama Complex, Olary area.
Experimental resistivity survey over the Lock coal prospect, Eyre Peninsula.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 147
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Seismic refraction investigations in the Polda Coalfield.
Para Hills quartzite quarry.
Construction materials survey, Tea Tree Gully.
Diamond drilling of the Nectar Brook dolomite deposit.
Carpa graphite deposit.
Investigation of the heavy mineral sands along the coast of Eyre Peninsula.
Preliminary report on stratigraphic drilling in EL 207 and adjacent areas northern Yorke Peninsula.
Evaluation of the Olary silver mine and the Mount Perseverance mine.
Influence of environmental factors on exploration activity.
Diamond drilling of the Nectar Brook dolomite deposit.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 148
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. ncludes individually indexed articles on:
Geophysical exploration for buried Tertiary channels near Caralue Bluff, Eyre Peninsula.
Steatite Hill talc deposit, Gumeracha, South Australia.
Heavy mineral sands - A resume of South Australian occurrences.
Geology of the Broadview quartzite quarry.
Heavy-mineral sands investigation Golden Grove, South Australia.
Construction sand, Whennan Scrub, near Mount Burr South Australia.
Geophysical investigations in the area near Preamimma mine, eastern Mount Lofty Ranges.
Devil's Chimney micaceous haematite deposit, near Orroroo.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 149
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes individually indexed articles on:
Assessment of the hydrogeology of the southern From Embayment.
Streaky Bay town water supply resistivity survey.
Reconnaissance sampling of palygorskite deposits, Lake Frome area, South Australia.
Limestone deposit for road sealing aggregate, Beltana, South Australia.
Monument Hill sand deposit, Port Augusta, South Australia.
Fords aggregate quarry, Kapunda, South Australia.
Baird Bay beach sand, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.
Woodside barite deposit, Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia.
Kora Leigh micaceous haematite deposit, South Australia.
Interpretation of Charleston aeromagnetic survey on WHYALLA 1:250 000 sheet, South Australia.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 150
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes individually indexed articles on:
Porphyry style copper/molybdenum mineralization at anabama hill.
Geology of the Riverview quartzite quarry.
Geology of the Eagle quartzite quarry.
Geology and geochemistry of the South Eastern Freeway, Mount Barker Summit to Callington section.
Geochemical sampling of the Sturtian tillite and basal Tapley Hill Formation, Copley.
Results of underground sampling, Kings Bluff Goldfield.
Dolomite aggregate deposit, Warnertown, sections 307, 308 Hd Napperby.
Resistivity survey for groundwater near Stenhouse Bay, Yorke Peninsula.
Resistivity survey for groundwater, Para Wurlie Basin, Yorke Peninsula.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 151
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes individually indexed articles on:
Antro albite pegmatite deposit Olary Province.
Opal industry in South Australia.
Microgranite at Uranno, southern Eyre Peninsula.
Penrice marble deposit, Angaston.
Dolomite aggregate deposit, Crystal Brook.
Evaluation of gold tailings and slimes, Government Stamp Battery, Peterborough.
Myall Creek copper prospect.
Geology and mineralization of the Yerelina Valley, Yudnamutana mining field.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 152
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes individually indexed articles on:
Mount Chandler quartzite deposit.
Reappraisal of gypsum reserves, Lake MacDonnell, Hds Kevin, Keith, Co. Kintore.
Miltalie jade deposit.
Rock chip sampling of Mount Mitchell tin workings.
Baker Gully shale deposit.
Geology of Birthday ballast quarry.
Opal industry in South Australia - 1979.
Tertiary coals of the eastern Eucla Basin.
Geology of the Poonindie quartzite quarry.
Review of the Gumeracha talc deposits, Mount Lofty Ranges.
Blanchetown gypsum deposits - Geological Investigations, 1979.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 153
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes individually indexed articles on:
Evaluation of Fine Tailings at Golden ' Grove-Highbury, Gawler and Maslin Beach Sand Pits
Dolomite, Quartzite and Clay Deposits near Woocalla
McLaren Vale White Clay Deposit
Manganese at White Flat
Rail Ballast Survey—Cummins to Buckleboo
Rail Ballast Survey—Wynbring to Immarna
Geology of Tarcoola Ballast Quarry
Aggregate Deposit—Old Noarlunga
Tin Prospect near Warna Rock Hole-Rock Chip Sampling
The Opal Industry in South Australia—1980
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 154
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes individually indexed articles on:
Construction Material Resources of Kangaroo Island
Pegmatites in the Olary Province—Feldspar and Beryl Mining
Sand, Gravel and Clay Resources—Rowland Flat to Tanunda
Mount Monster and Papineau Rocks Aggregate Deposits
High Grade Lump Silica Sources in South Australia—A Review
Talc Deposits near Tumby Bay
SADME Oakvale-1 Well Completion Report
Nilpena Barite Deposits
Blinman Copper Mine—Re-evaluation of Mine Dumps and Review of Geology
The Opal Industry in South Australia— 1981-82
Adelaide, Adelaide South and Montacute Copper Mines
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 155
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal.Includes the following articles:
Construction sand resources of the Lower South-East.
Geochronology of the Musgrave Block.
Low alkali shale investigation in the Rapid Bay-Delamere area.
Ferns Aggregate Quarry, Eyre Peninsula.
Production and sources of filter sand and gravel in South Australia.
Appraisal of gypsum deposits at Morgan and Craigie Plains no. 2.
Study of groundwater geochemistry around Burra Burra mine.
Patawarta barite deposit.
Artipena barite deposits.
Black Point silica sand deposit.
Forreston talc deposits - Geological investigation and auger drilling, 1982.
Waukaringa Goldfield - Appraisal of gold tailings.
Mount Torrens Government Batters and Cyanide Works - appraisal of gold tailings.
Shale pit near Lobethal - Geology and auger drilling.
Moonta-Wallaroo mining field - Production statistics 1860-1938.
SADME Edeowie no. 001 Well completion report.
Opal industry in South Australia - 1983.
For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 156
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria. Includes the following articles:
Olympic Dam - The first decade.
Geophysical appraisal of the Echunga district, with reference to mineralization.
Sand and clay resources of the Maslin Beach - Pedlar Creek area.
Base-metal exploration in the Flinders Ranges National Park.
Review of gold tailings in South Australia.
Reappraisal of gypsum reserves near Streaky Bay, Eyre Peninsula.
Geological appraisal of Waukaringa Goldfield.
Cowell Jade Province - Reappraisal of reserves.
Lime sand deposit at Little Sahara, Kangaroo Island.
Geological investigation of Mittopitta Goldfield.
Kyanite deposits near Radium Hill.
Geological investigations of Orama Hill Goldmine.
Shell grit resources, eastern St Vincent Gulf - Port Gawler to Port Wakefield.
Geological investigations for construction sand in the Mid-North of South Australia.Reconnaissance sampling of palygorskitic clay in Garford Palaeochannel.
Banded calc-silicate deposit near Keyneton.
Opal industry in South Australia, 1984-86.
Review of barite deposits near Mount Serle, northern Flinders Ranges.
Camel Flat magnesite deposit.
Warrakimbo micaceous haematite deposit.
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 157
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.Includes articles on the following:
Aggregate, Sand and Clay Resources for Metropolitan Adelaide
Leigh Creek Town Water Supply-a History
Artificial Recharge in the Angas-Bremer Irrigation Area
The Late Proterozoic Acraman Impact - Towards an Understanding of Impact Events in the Sedimentary Record
Magnetostratigraphic Study of Late Adelaidean Sediments in the Eastern Officer Basin, South Australia
A Guide to Quaternary Volcanoes in the Lower South-East of South Australia
Review of Gold Mineralisation in the Nackara Arc
Coongie Lakes Control Zone - A map and note for the Surface Geology and Terrain
Geophysical Investigation-Southwestern Great Artesian Basin
Stratigraphy and Environments of Deposition at Hallett Cove during the Late Palaeozoic
Extended Abstracts of Selected SADME Reports
SADME Unpublished Reports Issued During 1988
Review of Mineral Production in South Australia, 1987-88
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
Mining Review No. 158
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
The Mining Reviews are a collection of technical articles and reviews that were published under several titles. These issues date back from 1904 to 1992. Publication of these Reviews has now ceased. These Reviews contain reports on the work carried out by the Department of Mines (and departmental variations) and include South Australian mineral production statistics. In 1996 Mines and Energy Review merged with the Quarterly Geological Notes and Mineral Industry Quarterly to form the MESA Journal. For contents of each review, use SARIG/Databases/Publications and Reports entering (eg MER 001, 002 etc), as the search criteria.
Includes the following articles: A Review of Past Climate with Emphasis on the Recent Past - A Framework for the Future
Characterisation of Kaolin Samples from the Mount Hope Deposit
Base-Metal Potential of Southern_ Eyre Peninsula
Construction Sand Resources in the Port Lincoln Area
Undiscovered Petroleum-Assessments of the Potential of the Officer and Otway Basins in South Australia
Stratigraphic Drilling in the Northeastern Officer Basin: Rodda 2 Well
Geology and Mineral Potential of Basement beneath the Murray Basin, South Australia
Yamba-Noora Agricultural Gypsum Deposits
Geological and Historical Review of the Earea Dam Goldfield
The complete set of Mines and Energy Review articles and reviews (numbers 1 to158) are available for purchase on DVD.
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