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Geological Map Gawler Craton - 1984
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Geological compilation of the Gawler Craton
Special Geological Map Sheet 1:1000 000
compiled by R.B Flint, contributions from R.B. Flint, A.J. Parker, A.H. Blissett, S.J. Daly & B.P. Thompson
Adelaide Geosyncline and Stuart Shelf - 1983
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Adelaide Geosyncline and Stuart Shelf showing Precambrian and Palaeozoic Geology with special reference to Adelaidean
Adelaide Region Palaeosols - 1986
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A Regional Conception of Palaeosols, Partly Generalised and Superimposed Upon a Base Derived from Published Standard 1:250 000 Geological Maps.
Andamooka Precious Stones Field - 1976
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Andamooka Precious Stones Field showing regional geology and extent of the opal workings - 1976
Coober Pedy Precious Stone Field - 1989
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Coober Pedy precious stone field showing major fields, geology and shaft locations
Flinders Ranges National Park - 1994
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Note: This map is the same as brochure titled "Geology of the Flinders Ranges National Park"
Geological Setting of the Gawler Range Volcanics - 1987
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Geological compilation is based on 1: 250 000 Geological Sheets including Childara, Gairdner, Port Augusta, Tarcoola, Whyalla, Elliston, Kimba, Kingoonya, Streaky Bay, Yardea
Geology of the South East, South Australia - 1995
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
Geology of the South East of South Australia, Second Edition - Geological Survey Special Map 1:500 000
Mount Painter Province Mineral Locations - 1970
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Mount Painter Province Geological Map - 1969
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Geological Map of the Otway Basin 1:500 000
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Geological Map of Peake and Denison Ranges
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Surface Geology of Pinnaroo-Karoonda, South Australia
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Geology of the Islands in the Sir Joseph Banks Group, South Australia
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Geology of the Worumba Anticline, South Australia
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
Investigator and Yorke Peninsula - Generalised Geological Map of Pre-Quaternary Rocks, South Australia
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
Adelaide-Barker - Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series, South Australia
Only Digital copy available, please use the “Free Download” option to access publication.
This 1:250 000 scale map series shows the salinity/yield characteristics of the water table aquifer system i.e. the shallowest aquifer at any one location. The colour code is explained in the salinity/yield matrix, water level contours are shown in purple with the arrows showing the direction of groundwater flow. The displayed yields are estimates of the sustainable extraction from fully penetrating bores. The cross-sections and inset maps show the hydrogeology of the deeper confined aquifer. Other insets show structure contours for the deeper aquifer and the pre-Tertiary basement, the depth of the water table below ground surface and also the pressure difference between the deeper confined aquifer and the water table.
Naracoorte - Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series, South Australia
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This 1:250 000 scale map series shows the salinity/yield characteristics of the water table aquifer system i.e. the shallowest aquifer at any one location. The colour code is explained in the salinity/yield matrix, water level contours are shown in purple with the arrows showing the direction of groundwater flow. The displayed yields are estimates of the sustainable extraction from fully penetrating bores. The cross-sections and inset maps show the hydrogeology of the deeper confined aquifer. Other insets show structure contours for the deeper aquifer and the pre-Tertiary basement, the depth of the water table below ground surface and also the pressure difference between the deeper confined aquifer and the water table.
Pinnaroo - Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series, South Australia and Victoria
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This 1:250 000 scale map series shows the salinity/yield characteristics of the water table aquifer system i.e. the shallowest aquifer at any one location. The colour code is explained in the salinity/yield matrix, water level contours are shown in purple with the arrows showing the direction of groundwater flow. The displayed yields are estimates of the sustainable extraction from fully penetrating bores. The cross-sections and inset maps show the hydrogeology of the deeper confined aquifer. Other insets show structure contours for the deeper aquifer and the pre-Tertiary basement, the depth of the water table below ground surface and also the pressure difference between the deeper confined aquifer and the water table.
Renmark - Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series, South Australia
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This 1:250 000 scale map series shows the salinity/yield characteristics of the water table aquifer system i.e. the shallowest aquifer at any one location. The colour code is explained in the salinity/yield matrix, water level contours are shown in purple with the arrows showing the direction of groundwater flow. The displayed yields are estimates of the sustainable extraction from fully penetrating bores. The cross-sections and inset maps show the hydrogeology of the deeper confined aquifer. Other insets show structure contours for the deeper aquifer and the pre-Tertiary basement, the depth of the water table below ground surface and also the pressure difference between the deeper confined aquifer and the water table.
Shallow Groundwater Salinity Map of the Murray Basin
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This map shows on a regional scale the relationship between the water table aquifer system, the major occurrences land salinity and the Murray River drainage system. The colours show the salinity of the shallow groundwater, arrows show its direction of flow and dots show areas where land salinization occurs. Insets show areas of shallow water tables, salinity of water of the deeper aquifer and the reliability of the map data. Sections show the deeper hydrogeology.
Soil association map of the Adelaide region
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This map is based on investigation holes and excavations to shallow depths only, 1 - 2.5 metres. A soil/geology/engineering investigation into Metropolitan Adelaide's problem soils was undertaken by SADME and CSIRO Soils Division. A report titled "Soils, stratigraphy and engineering geology of near-surface materials of the Adelaide Plains" was produced and is now available, see Mines and Energy South Australia. Report Book, 94/00009
Glynde-Morialta-Erindale-Norton Summit Soil Map
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This map is based on investigation holes and excavations to shallow depths only, 1 - 2.5 metres. A soil/geology/engineering investigation into Metropolitan Adelaide's problem soils was undertaken by SADME and CSIRO Soils Division. A report titled "Soils, stratigraphy and engineering geology of near-surface materials of the Adelaide Plains" was produced and is now available, see Mines and Energy South Australia. Report Book, 94/00009
Somerton-Marion-Brighton-Darlington-Blackwood Soil Map
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This map is based on investigation holes and excavations to shallow depths only, 1 - 2.5 metres. A soil/geology/engineering investigation into Metropolitan Adelaide's problem soils was undertaken by SADME and CSIRO Soils Division. A report titled "Soils, stratigraphy and engineering geology of near-surface materials of the Adelaide Plains" was produced and is now available, see Mines and Energy South Australia. Report Book, 94/00009
Athelstone-Gilles Plains-Modbury-Tea Tree Gully Soil Map
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This map is based on investigation holes and excavations to shallow depths only, 1 - 2.5 metres. A soil/geology/engineering investigation into Metropolitan Adelaide's problem soils was undertaken by SADME and CSIRO Soils Division. A report titled "Soils, stratigraphy and engineering geology of near-surface materials of the Adelaide Plains" was produced and is now available, see Mines and Energy South Australia. Report Book, 94/00009
Unley-Beaumont-Belair-Brown Hill Creek Soil Map
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This map is based on investigation holes and excavations to shallow depths only, 1 - 2.5 metres. A soil/geology/engineering investigation into Metropolitan Adelaide's problem soils was undertaken by SADME and CSIRO Soils Division. A report titled "Soils, stratigraphy and engineering geology of near-surface materials of the Adelaide Plains" was produced and is now available, see Mines and Energy South Australia. Report Book, 94/00009
Metropolitan Construction Materials, Quarries, Resources and Legislative Restraints
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Location Plan of Metropolitan Quarries, Planning Zones, Private Mines and Reserves
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